America Wants the Assault Weapons Ban

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Mr. Ductapehero,

I was born and raised in Iowa and I lived in Kansas for 23 years after I moved out here from (bleck) Rhode Ireland and I resemble your remark.......
Us Missourians love our SKS's. Good cheap deer rifles. And even better at keeping the Kansans and Iowans on their side of the border.
I brought my SKSs here from Kansas and, yes, I love them, but I never thought about whacking Iowegians or Jayhawks with them. :D

As an aside........Lots of people have maintained that the stupid little bayonette on the SKS is worthless, but just drop it down, stick it in the ground, (I know yer gonna get into the ticks and chiggers) and it makes a pretty good monopod.

Try it, you'll like it:p

Regardless of what Lord Bentson said, I kept mine and kept them mounted. Pre ban.
You want to better understand these techniques? Go to a racist website, and look at all their crime anecdotes and statistics about their least favorite race.

Are they fabricated or not? Pointless, they're not relevant, individuals have rights, and they're just trying to sway you from that fact by freaking you out with a pile of data of questionable origin.
Likewise. I thought he was deceased by now. Last time I saw hm on TV it appeared he was already embalmed.

And when you are so empty headed that you can believe what the old fart (Howard Metzenbaum) is telling you, you are considered dead enough to be Metzenbalmed.
There's a good reason why the FF didn't set up a direct democracy in this country. This is an example of it.

I bet you 80 percent of the American public doesn't have a clear understanding of the AWB. Or that auto guns were regulated more than 70 years ago.
What I cannot understand is why congressional leaders and the administration think that the American public won't notice that the ban expired. We'll notice, and they'll be sorry.
Nobody will notice.

The problem here is the left defined "assault weapon". People immediatly think machine gun.
There's a good reason why the FF didn't set up a direct democracy in this country. This is an example of it.

Exactly. The FF's set it up so that the people could democratically elect representatives to make laws so that the people wouldn't be saddled with the day to day goings on of governing the country, but instead could enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, whatever that meant to each person.

The Bill of Rights set out some limits on what these representatives of the people could do, in order that the representatives didn't pass laws that would impact the peoples rights and their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. One of the peoples' rights which was specifically protected was the right to keep and bear arms, so that the people could form militias to help protect themselves from enemies, both foreign and domestic.

So the FF's left instructions for all government people to follow, that you leave the peoples' right to keep and bear arms alone, and you do not infringe upon the peoples' right to keep and bear arms. I can't believe that this is so hard for so many to understand. But thank God the FF's were wise enough to realize that the people themselves, as a group, could not be trusted with their own liberty, and that their representatives would likewise need some rules to obey so that they didn't follow the majority of their constituents and violate the rights of the minority of their constituents.

This is the Constitutional Republic that has served us pretty well, though it certainly has not been perfect, and has been weakened lately by the people refusing to hold the government accountable when it violates the Constitution.

As Ben Franklin remarked when asked what type of government the FF's had decided upon, "A Constitutional Republic, if you can keep it". We aren't doing so well keeping it, are we?
I will give an example of how utterly ridiculous the AWB is ; I bought a Norinco SKS rifle a while back and since it had a bayonet mount I asked what happend to the bayonet . The gunshop guy told me he could not attach the bayonet to the rifle because if the bayonet is attached it makes the rifle an " illeagal assault rifle " nor could he sell me the bayonet seperately
pinblaster, that's the onerous 27 CFR 922(r) regulations (the ban on assembly of guns, using more than 10 imported parts, that would be unimportable in that configuration). Unfortunately, that's not going to sunset, so you won't be able to get a bayo for your SKS.

HOWEVER, you will be able to put a bayonet on any domestically manufactured gun.
I will give an example of how utterly ridiculous the AWB is ; I bought a Norinco SKS rifle a while back and since it had a bayonet mount I asked what happend to the bayonet . The gunshop guy told me he could not attach the bayonet to the rifle because if the bayonet is attached it makes the rifle an " illeagal assault rifle " nor could he sell me the bayonet seperately

OK. That makes no sense. I bought a Yugo SKS here in California no less three months ago. It has the bayo attached. :confused:
Slick Marketing

The AWB was a real work of slick marketing to sell a real stupid law that only does one thing. It makes us the laughing stock of the world.
Norinco SKS bayonet

You're right RileyMc , it makes no sense at all . My understanding is , the Yugo is considerd a "curio & relic" the Chinese Norinco for whatever reason is not . Who are the bozos who come up with this crap ?
I negleted to mention in the previous post that the Norinco has a spike bayonet and the Yugo has a knife type bayonet . The shop I bought my SKS at had a couple of Yugos with bayonets but I liked the Norinco better .
More ninny claptrap.

REAL Americans want the assault weapons BACK- the real assault weapons, that is., not the hohum ordinary semiauto gunbanner misdefined ones.

I agree that due to being told the ban is about "AK47s and Uzis" support is a mile wide - but an inch deep.

So I must say I am surprised at all the editorials - I think rational Dems know this is a loser - I guess for some though, like the article says, its a "personal issue". (And that's the difference - for most of us pro-guns its also a very personal issue - unlike the vast majority of those push polled into "supporting the renewal".)

It was a stunning loss for the gun lobby.

I LOVE hearing this about the March Senate vote - it flat out REEKS of desperation and pouting - anyone with half a brain knows that vote was about the AWB renewal with the lawsuit immunity a far second. "Stunning reversal for the NRA" my left foot.
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