Another situational question.

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For Washington State:

RCW 9A.16.050
Homicide -- By other person -- When justifiable.
Homicide is also justifiable when committed either:

(1) In the lawful defense of the slayer, or his or her husband, wife, parent, child, brother, or sister, or of any other person in his presence or company, when there is reasonable ground to apprehend a design on the part of the person slain to commit a felony or to do some great personal injury to the slayer or to any such person, and there is imminent danger of such design being accomplished; or

(2) In the actual resistance of an attempt to commit a felony upon the slayer, in his presence, or upon or in a dwelling, or other place of abode, in which he is.

Given your scenario as originally posted, including yelling at the sh**-bag to get away from your car followed by him charging me with a knife/gun.

Let's see now, legally I can tell someone to cease and desist the commission of a crime against my person or property here in PA, so I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be faulted there.

He charges me with a lethal weapon when I have only yelled, "STOP!" Note I did not make an attempt at this point to PHYSICALLY stop the crime, giving the BG no reason to feel he needed to defend his life from me.

All this said, I'm with a couple other posters here.

BANG!-BANG! (Remember double-taps?)

If he's still not down after that...


If still not down after that...

1) Take cover
2) Reload

I think that should solve the problem! :D


P.S. I'm starting to get sick of the whole "all this bad sh** could happen to you because you didn't run away first!" BS. It makes me think I'm talking to the worst kind of "sheeple" - a sheeple with a gun. What happened to, "better judged by 12 than carried by 6"? Suddenly everyone's a lawyer! :fire: :cuss:
imagine a leg or two sticking out as the BG works on the radio; how hard can you jump against the door?

Speaking from experience, if you get the angle right, you can do some serious hurt. Give the door a good hard two foot jump kick, and then grab the handle and start yanking the door out and back, put your upper body into it as you slam it on their body, repeat.

This is a very satisfying action, especially at three in the morning. The only problem is that I never got around to popping the dents my feet made in the driver's side door of my Trooper (which you may have noticed in those pics I posted), although I DID get the blood cleaned out of the interior side of the door and the seat.

Get on line, go to a police supply or hunting/wilderness site. Once there, go to the aerosol restraint / bear repellent section and buy the big ass, "fire extinguisher" sized can of OC. You know the one that shoots a 5 foot cone of gas twenty five feet ? Take it from one who has used the stuff extensively since it's inception. Great stuff...Turn the poor P.O.S. into a giant Cheetoh with the stuff and let him go stumbling down the road screaming and falling

You, sir, are my hero.
"Hero" !?, You are far to kind...

My real motivation is that I am an extreme Halloween fan and in keeping with that theme, I am trying to achieve that perfect blend of half bad guy and half Jack-O-Lantern/Pumpkin head...My experiments are gaining in success and the effort continues...wish me luck:D
a similar situation happened to me once in a grocery store parking lot.

It wasn't too late, only about 10:00PM or so. I came out of the store to find some clown trying to slim-jim his way into my car. I promptly yelled at him just before I delivered a nasty front kick to his left shoulder blade. He fell, got up and tried to spin around and take a swing. Another low front kick and he thought better of the encounter.

He ran off and left his slim-jim in the door. Someone else had called the cops. I waited (almost 45 mins mind you for police to show up) filled out a report and went home. No hassles for me. One cop said he got what he deserved. Now, if I had called and it took them 45 mins to get there, the thief would have been in and out before the police were even close. I could have very well had assault charges filed against me, but I got lucky. Well, not so lucky, he did leave a nasty scratch on my beloved vee-dub.

Thinking back on it, I'm sure I could have just yelled at him and possibly stopped it that way. At the time, I did what I thought was right. Yes, I hit him first, but he swung back and the only word the cops heard was mine.
No arrests last time I checked and this was several years ago.
3 or 4 yrs ago my wife came out of store to find someone trying to open her car door. "Hey, what ya' doin'?" "Trying to open my door." "No, that MY car." At which point he turned toward her and took one step, one too many. She tore open the end of her purse and reached in. He ran to a waiting, running vehicle with a driver waiting. She had noticed him roaming the lot eating popcorn (in December, in WV) when she went in the store, was only in there a minute. Couldn't get the tag #, dammit! Gotta love her!

Stay safe.
BG comes out w/ a weapon BABAM!!! - repeat as necessary. Officer, he said if I called the police he would kill any officer who pulled him over and then come back and kill me and my entire family. Couldn't risk that. Takin' out the trash. :D
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