Anti-Gun Groups Targeting Senate Today

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Dec 26, 2002
The Brady Campaign has announced a call-in effort today to defeat S.659 or encourage Senators to attach it with bills.

They basically have already acknowledged that they can't match us in numbers support-wise so they are trying to pull a fast one by getting a lot of people to call in on the day before the bill hits the floor and hope that your Senators will only remember today and not all the emails, faxes and letters they have received from us in the past.

I don't think it will work personally; but just in case I am going to take 5 minutes out of my day to call my Senators and remind them that I want to see a clean version of S.659 with no anti-gun amendments passed.

The toll-free number to the Capitol Hill switchboard is 1-800-648-3516

You can find the direct line to your Senators office here:

According to CCRKBA, S.659 will be introduced to the floor tomorrow and whether it passes clean or not should be decided by the end of the week.

Very few times in your life will you have a chance to make such a positive impact on our rights for so little effort. No money involved and very little of your time is being asked for so please, give your Senators a call.


Just called my Senators this morning and despite it being only 30 minutes since the offices opened, they said they are receiving quite a few calls on this issue (mostly in support of a clean S.659 since I live in Texas and my Senators represent that state); but there is definitely a push going on this morning by both sides.
I've blogged about the possibility of the AWB being attached to the lawful commerce in arms bill & I feel a suggestion I made bears repeating:

1: Communicate with your congresscritter (especially your Reps as the Senate is damn near hopeless) & tell him/her that if the AWB gets passed then you will withdraw support from their party!

Most congrescritters figure that either your individual vote won't matter that much in their race (especially if their next election is over a year away), or they can vote to kill the AWB while their buddies who aren't up for re-election can pass it.

Tell them it's a Party thing - we get an extended or expanded AWB & the other Party gets your votes & your friends' votes as well. No excuses!

This might make them pressure their buddies into killing any AWB bills or amendments.

Next - & this is perhaps most important - tell the NRA that if the AWB passes in any form for any reason whatsoever that you'll drop them & switch all your donations to GOA, JPFO & other no compromise orgs. Tell them you'll also drop membership in their state affiliate & throw your local support & donations to local no compromise groups.

This will get them off their ??? (hopefully) & make them act like the 800 lb. gorilla that everyone thinks they are.

The reason the NRA is so critical is because they have lobbyists who are more immediately convincing than a couple thousand or tens of thousands of letters from across the country.

Now some of you know I detest the NRA. I wouldn't encourage anyone to join them no matter what because of the way they stab us in the back. But there's no doubt that they are influencial. we just have to grab them by the ear & make sure they don't use their influence to betray us again.

So with the congresscritters thinking about losing votes for their entire Party, & the NRA looking at losing a significant percentage of its members, then something might happen.

Oh, CC a copy of any e-mail to Bush & add a note that says you will not vote for Bush if the AWB passes. & you will not vote Repub again until the AWB is gone.

One last thing: mention to the NRA a boycott of any gun manufacturer who is part of any effort (group or individual) to get the protection from frivilous lawsuit bill passed despite an AWB attachment. The NRA will pass enough of those along to the gun industry groups should any disagreement about killing a bill with the AWB attached come up.

If enough of us do that we may have a chance of seeing the AWB die.
I just called both of my senators and told them I want a clean bill, for all the good it will do.

One receptionist was open to the idea (or hid her feelings well).

One (for Mark "the 2nd is about hunting" Pryor) did not hide her feelings well, and had a very ascerbic tone about her as I said that "Assault Weapons are inanimate objects, like anything else." Oh well, I did my part. Now to get enraged as they vote against it.:banghead:
Called mine (Lugar and Bayh-Indiana). Talked to a staffer at Luger's office, but got the answering machine at Bayh's.
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