Anyone doing Reno Show this weekend?

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I'll be in Reno on Thurs and Fri. I'm hitting up Sage Hill for some shotgun sports on Thursday afternoon and the show on Friday.

Email me and we'll meet up on Fri if you want. I'm leaving in the morning so I'll most likely check this in the morning...if no messages, I hope ya find what you're looking for. I need primers and 12 ga wads. I've got my fingers crossed.

esheato at yahoo

I was there. Picked up some primers, a Surefire and some .22 VQ parts. Not a bad show. Lots of guns. Although every table with ARs made me curse Californias laws. I'll be driving back up there tomorrow. Need....more....stuff...;)

I did look for people wearing Molon Labe hats, but didn't notice anyone.

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