Anyone try the Protektor #52 metal rifle rest?

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May 26, 2013
Not caring for the quality of the Caldwell Rock models, I wondered about this one. While has the Bald Eagle for 165.00, (apparently now discontinued) this unit is cheaper still but appears very well made. Steel, made in USA, and has around 4" of adjustment.

I can not say enough good about their leather bags.

Well, no responses so I guess not many here have tried this item. I did find a few reviews, and they seems pretty much in agreement. It is indicated that it is a sturdy stable unit, but that it is basically angle iron that has been welded together to make it. Also a few commented that the welds are not the neatest ones in the world. All in all, it seems a very serviceable unit, and as to the comments, they don't affect functionality and after all, it is only 65 bucks or so.

I found on a great sale on the Bald eagle rest, which seems universally loved, but is more expensive.

That said, it is on sale, 425.00 list price for 165.00. I just ordered this one. It is 100 bucks more, but should be lighter weight as it is aluminum and "prettier." (there is a cast iron one available also)

Just thought I would pass this along...

It was the same price, I thought they had a cast iron version with windage? It

I thought long and hard about aluminum vs cast iron. Is the cast iron that much more steady than aluminum in this model? I was in hopes the aluminum version would still have sufficient weight?

I can switch them out and just be out all the shipping if you think I should.

Aluminum is fine. My old one I used for Benchrest is aluminum. These days there are a lot more made from steel and cast iron, and of course they are steadier, just like shooting a 13 Lb gun in Heavy Varmint was easier to shoot small aggs with than an 11 Lb Light Varmint gun. I shot a 6 PPC 11 Lb gun that was legal in light, heavy, sporter, and open classes. I couldn't afford three or four guns. :)
Me either. But when flush, I jump on one if it is a really good deal, or I "really need it"....well, think I do anyway.

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