Anyone use their C&R to import C&R guns?

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Nov 19, 2005
I was wondering how difficult it might be to use the C&R license to import a C&R gun and if anyone has done it. Does the allowance for a 03 licensee to do this only apply when they return to the country with a C&R firearm, or can one be ordered from overseas if it is legal in that country to ship it?
(I am aware of the requirement it cannot be military surplus)
The ATF says, "entitle the licensee to transport, ship, receive, and acquire curios and relics in interstate or foreign commerce." It sounds like you should be able to do it, but I don't know anything about actually doing it.
I believe you still require a Form 06 for each firearm to be imported, but a C&R may entitle you to receive the firearm directly. Everyday people bringing in an individual piece on an 06 must have it received on this end by an FFL in their home state and then transferred to them -- even if they already own the firearm.
Your C&R, 03 FFL, in no good for importing, 06 FFL. Or was a 06 for ammo....
This is what it says on form 6
3. A Federal firearms licensee, other than an importer, may make an occasional importation of sporting firearms or ammunition (excluding surplus military) for himself or an unlicensed person in the licensee’s State, provided that the firearms and ammunition are intended for personal use of the person for whom imported and not for resale. ATF Form 6- Part I (5330.3A) Is used to obtain approval for such Importation.

What is not clear to me though is if I have to bring it in myself, or if it is possible to order it and have it shipped.
The ATF says, "entitle the licensee to transport, ship, receive, and acquire curios and relics in interstate or foreign commerce." It sounds like you should be able to do it, but I don't know anything about actually doing it.
Thanks Jorg, I was looking for that, but do you have a link or reference for the place you saw that so I can link to it for others as well?
I hate ATF's search function on their websight and that part eludes me.
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