arsenal law

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Feb 14, 2006
I did a search for this on the web and at THR and could not find it. If this has been discussed here please remove and provide a link.
I got a NRA membership application and as part of their sell was that they defend my gun rights from the likes of the usual suspects. They go on to list various state and federal laws that are proposed, in committee, or up for votes. One that stood out and I have heard nothing about was the “arsenal law.”
The letter stated that this arsenal law would apply to people that have more than 20 guns (including receivers) and or over a 1000 rounds of ammunition (including primers). If you meet either criterion you would have to pay a $300 registration fee and subject yourself to three ATF inspections each year. It was implied that the registration fee would be annual as well.
I must say I have never heard of this and wondering if anyone here has heard of the arsenal law?
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It isn't currently before congress but you can bet your last bottle of Hoppe's #9 that it will be coming back. Join the NRA!
If past I don't think it would be enforceable. No consientous American policeman/woman would ever wreak that injustice on their fellow citizens. It would just fade away like some old laws like having to wear a scarlett A on you.
"No consientous American policeman/woman would ever wreak that injustice on their fellow citizens."

Mostly true--I would agree--but better to not let it get to that. Human nature is fickle, and orders are orders, and a paycheck is a paycheck.
I could see a pro-gun Congressman dropping a Cricket and 2 bricks of .22LR on the exhibit table and saying, "Behold the proposed arsenal."
LOL that would be pretty funny but I think they'll start incrementally. 22LR and the like would be exempt and they'd focus on the evil assault bullets like 7.62x39 and .223 maybe even the gangsta 9mm round and then move on to others until finally ALL ammo sales would be tracked and have to be registered.

They've already lost the battle but they're regrouping and the war against guns rages on.
I could see a pro-gun Congressman dropping a Cricket and 2 bricks of .22LR on the exhibit table and saying, "Behold the proposed arsenal."

Amazing, on any given day I may have 2 or 3 arsenals in my truck. Especially when .22 ammo goes on sale.

You said:

No search without a warrant. Congress can not ignore the fourth amendment.

Don't tell me you still believe in the Easter Bunny too? :D

All sarcasm aside, yes they can, yes they have, yes they will continue to do so, and local law enforcement considers it a mere speedbump.
No search without a warrant. Congress can not ignore the fourth amendment.

They would simply say that possesion of even one gun or having a CCW permit is resonable suspicion for them to come check to make sure you dont have too much ammo or too many guns.
No conscientious American policeman/woman would ever wreak that injustice

Problem ONE is after 9/11 every Gestapo wannabe has come crawling out of the woodwork. Look how conscientious TSA is at "helping" the flying public.

If I run into my old buddy at the airport and say Hi Jack! they'll haul my butt to jail! Yes his name really is Jack.

At a family get together,while my son-in-law was in the acadamy(he's a police officer),I asked him what they had studied that day. His response "how to get around the 4th amendment".
No consientous American policeman/woman would ever wreak that injustice on their fellow citizens

A nice dream in a land with green clovers, purple stars, yellow moons, pink hearts.

New Orleans after katrina ring a bell?
Ruby Ridge, Waco, E. Gonzalez in Miami to name just a micro spec of examples.

No search without a warrant

This and the above quote lead me to believe people are playing too many video games and not doing enough reading. Btw the female in the Japanese cartoons is not real guys.
Well, I hate to be a repititious old fart, but if anyone still doesn't know what happened to legal gun owners after Katrina, New Orleans, they really have not been paying attention. The Fourth Amendment, indeed! It seems to be naught but window dressing, currently. If such a bill were to pass (Arsenal bill), I would bet that any law enforcement agency could find a "good and reasonable" reason for a search warrant, or not, as the situation demands. Read again the aftermath of Katrina and New Orleans - the classic trashing of the U.S. Constitution.
The federal government made it a law that local police can't confiscate firearms in a time of emergency like Katrina, right?
The federal government made it a law that local police can't confiscate firearms in a time of emergency like Katrina, right?
I beleive the law you mention just says that federal money cannot be used to confiscate firearms in a time of emergency.So, obviously that means no federal LEO's/agencies can do it, as they are all funded completely by federal money, but state/local LEO's/agencies could,theoretically at least, still do it, even if they receive some(or even a lot) of their funding from federal money, as all they have to do is say "the money we spent on confiscateing wepons was state/local money, we didnt spend any of the money we get/got from the feds on it", and be in the clear.would it be true? probly not. Would it be REALLY hard to prove otherwise? probably ver much so.

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure thats the gist of how the law effectively works. We are theoretically safe from the feds because of it, but it does nothing to stop state/local governments from doing it, either on their own, or at the prodding/behest of the feds.If I'm off on this, someone please correct me.
The federal government made it a law that local police can't confiscate firearms in a time of emergency like Katrina, right?

Yeah, it's called the 2nd Amendment. For those that think this new law somehow has more merit than the 2nd Amendment, thus it will never happen again, you are fooling yourselves.
Congress can not ignore the fourth amendment.

Maybe or maybe not, but the police can and do every day.
And three Atlanta cops will be playing drop the soap because of it.

Don't be bullied. Don't back down. Show no mercy.

Put on your fishscaling gloves and grab 'em by the gonads. That's ALL they EVER understand.

To paraphrase a former theology student from Georgia, "Sue, sue and sue some more."
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