As you grew up, how did you avoid siding with anti-gun thinking?

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I didn't know there was such thing as anti-gun. My family on my mother's side didn't like guns, but I don't know if they were "anti's". My father was pro-gun.
I really never thought anything about it. I grew up in Northeastern PA and when I hit teh correct age I went to the Game Commision along with half the guys in my school for hunters safety so I could go deer hunting. First deer season I was given an Ithaca single shot 20 ga for both deer and small game next year I received the Winchester 30/30 , at the time that was all I needed. Never thought a gun was a bad thing just a tool to be used carefully for the right job.

Fast forward a few decades and I'm now outside of Philadelphia and haven't hunted in while and recently modernized my tools w/ an AR and semi auto pistol. I still feel the same way I did serious tools that aren't toys, not that you can't have some serious fun with tools though. Funny thing since ranges in the area aren't that great I ended up joining a range half way between my curretn home and boyhood home.
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