Australia - The land where citizens are second-class

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Dec 24, 2002
Moscow on the Colorado, TX
The Australian Government has for years been making it more difficult for its citizens to own firearms. Currently on the chopping block are another 200+ models of firearms slated for confiscation and destruction. That's not to say that you can't go shooting in Australia.. provided you aren't a citizen. That's right - citizens of OTHER COUNTRIES can shoot in Australia.. but Australian citizens are BARRED from the facilities. Here's an advertising flyer one visitor found in his hotel room. It seems that shooting is 'safe and fun" only for foreignors, and that Australians cannot be trusted with guns!


...and to give credit where credit is due -
It's all very logical.....

If one is a 'visitor' with a return could they be a threat to the 'safety' of Australia?:scrutiny:

Besides, there's money to be made...all incurring GST - funds which help with those incessant 'buyback' thingys and "making Australia safer".:rolleyes:
<looks at phone number, looks at map>

That's barely 5 minutes from Sydney Airport BTW. :)
Sergeant Bob: it's in Australian Dollars, and in a city where a Burger King Whopper cost $3.85, and parking in the CBD you won't find for less than $8 an hour.
This reminds me of Cuba, where foreign socialist journalists get to sample the delights of Castro's tourist trail - half of which is off-limits to Cubans.

What a s***hole.

Seriously, though, this is exploiting one of the "loopholes". Generally, as I understand it, you can buy and train with guns if you are a security guard. This is a security service with its own range, or a range serving security guards only.

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