Big 5 "Special Forces" Knife

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4v50 Gary

Staff member
Dec 19, 2002
My buddy had the mole from hell. He tried flooding it out. He set traps. No go for months. The mole from hell avoided them and then dug up the yards of the neighbors both left and right of my buddy's place. He tried M-80s and covered all holes with boards. Still no luck.

Finally, my buddy saturated the area with mole traps and this weekend noticed that one trap was partially buried. He went to clear it and was removing the dirt when he noticed that his mole from hell was trapped (by the hind legs) and still alive. It startled him so he drove his "Special Forces" knife into it. Victory! Sorry, no pics.

So, if anyone asks you why you need that fancy state of art knife, tell them no other blade will do.
A chilling tale that vividly illustrates the necessity of having only the finest weapons. If not for that knife, you'd probably be grieving the loss of a friend today. Do you think you could convince your friend to give a seminar on use of the blade in such a situation?
"There it was big as life and hungry for my blood. The dirtiest, blindest mole you ever did see and he was hungry to repay me for the harm my trap had done him. I could feel my blood curdle in my veins at the sound of his enraged mole snarls. Ain't nuthin more fierce than a wounded mole, boys, 'ceptin maybe two wounded moles.."
I had a similar experience the other day. While it didn't require lethal force it was almost as hair raising.

I was leaving work on a warm spring day with the windows down. While waiting in line to turn out onto the main road I noticed movement out of the corner of my left eye. There he was. The most massive and rabid ground hog anyone has ever seen and he was coming right for me. The look of hatred on his face and the ferocity of his charge made my blood run cold. I moved my hand down to the Benchmade folding knife clipped in my pocket just as he ran under my car and out the other side. He continued into the grass and I smiled as I turned out onto the road. That was close one. :D
I haven't shared this story here, because, well, honestly, I was so deeply in condition white that I didn't even realize it had tactical implications.

Last Sunday as I drove to work, the driver two cars in front of me was the victim of what I now realize could only have been an ambush as we entered a large town on a state highway. The ambush began with a suicide attack by 6-10 baby ducklings led by their mother. The victim, forgetting that it is invariably safer to attack through the ambush, attempted to stop. Even so, he and the guy behind him managed to take out several attackers. :barf:

Somehow, the second car and I managed to stop without hitting anything or being hit. The fourth car (a large Cadillac DTS too close behind me) managed to avoid striking me but was herself struck by the Ford Taurus behind her. Behind the Taurus, a gentleman in a Toyota 4Runner, thinking quickly, dove off the road and was able to drive away undamaged. As we exited our vehicles to inspect the damage and wait for police, we observed the waddling warriors, now about 30 yards behind us, springing the same ambush on a new set of cars and nearly causing another serious wreck as, again, the lead driver stopped to let them go.

At the time, I saw nothing more sinister in it than some intellectually challenged waterfowl attempting to waddle across a busy highway. Now it's clear that wheels were turning within wheels.
Don, though we're all happy that you made it out of that episode safely, you must understand that you're going WAY off topic here. This is a discussion of savage animal attacks that were thwarted by the use of a good blade. Now, unless you can incorporate a blade in this story, (a Rambo type duckling would be really cool), I think you should remove this post.

Now try again.

And remember: big, burly duckling with a blade.
I was so deeply in condition white that I didn't even realize it had tactical implications.

See, Don Gwinn, this gets at the heart of your problem. Everything has tactical implications. Those tactical implications, furthermore, have tactical implications of their own. Picture all of time, space, and human endeavor as one vast carbon fiber web. You must be the titanium spider that moves through that web and is one with it.
The stealthly method of mole elimination is to poke a hole down into their tunnel or hill, and drop in a half stick of Juicy Fruit gum.

I just want you to know that your last post caused me to draw attention to myself through unsuccessfully muffled laughter...

I have been compromised

:uhoh: :eek: :eek: :D

One time when I was...lesse, maybe 14, I was heading into a pizza place with my kid brother on a rainy night and we noticed a mole - stuck with one arm under the door, upside down and clearly in pain.

Poor thing.

So we try and pull the door as "upwards" as possible and ease it off him. It works, he gets free, limps over to a corner and huddles there.

Oh for...well, we're not the types to let injured critters go unhelped.

So we get an empty pizza box, intending to take the thing home, feed it for a few days, see how it's health does.

Box in hand, we try and scoop this thing up. And it HISSES at us...the loudest, nastiest hiss I've ever heard, kind of a hiss mixes with a snarl :).

We jumped back, and then laughed remembering that these things eat worms and basically ain't got no teeth :D.

So we get it home, with my mom driving. We lived about 30 miles away on the other side of a hill where it hadn't been raining (SF Bay Area "microclimates" are like that).

We got it into a "cage"...actually a plastic box with ventilated sides and a lid. We made him a bit of a nest, and then I went to the back yard with a shovel to go find him dinner. Wouldn't you know it...couldn't find worm one. Found some snails, figured he'd eat those if he got hungry enough. (Yup: we had him in our bedroom, at 2:00am we hear him crashing the snails together to get at the innards.)

Next morning I got to a bait shop for some worms. Watching him eat them was amazing, he started at one end and pushed the dirt out with his paws as he sucked it down :). And he'd stick his great big long nose out through the cage openings and twitch it around, it was like a mini elephant trunk.

Turns out the arm was only bruised. Within two days, we literally could NOT keep that booger caged. Folks, y'all wouldn't *believe* the arm strength on these guys. We tried stacking 3 feet of books to the top of the cage...didn't matter, he'd just push the lid right off. He got loose and we were chasing it around the living room...which is how my anti-small-animal dad finally found out about the "new pet".

We let it go in a local park that night :D.
Now, did you send this mole off on it's merry way with a knife, so that the next time he became hopelessly trapped, he could whip it out and hack away at his limb, severing it from the rest of his furry body, and granting him his freedom so that someday he could relate the tale to his children, and his children's children?
Jim, three books? Were the Dr. Suess "The Cat in the Hat" or "Green Eggs and Ham" or something more substantial like Gibbon's "The Fall of the Roman Empire?"

BTW, I think the park gardeners must have loved you.;)
You misread.

Three FEET of books. Read: books piled literally three feet tall in a stack. Musta weighed 30 pounds. Little sucker basically bench-pressed the whole stack until it toppled.

Unbelievable...from something weighing about a pound.
I once had a problem with a huge, blood thirsty rabbit. Luckily, I had the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch with me. :evil:

A mole can shove 30 lbs of books? Ohmigawd! :eek: That's one powerful little critter. If the killer rabbit can bite off a head, what damage can that little mole do? Imagine an army of moles.

My friend's survival from this lethal encounter can't be attributed to either his skill or tactics but just to plain old fashion vanilla dumb luck. The next time he has a mole, I'm going to tell him to carry his duty weapon and some cyanide for himself in case things go bad. After all, while it may be his front yard, it's a jungle out there and mole has the "home" turf advantage.

BTW Jim, do you attribute your father's recapture of this feral creature due to the hardwood or linoleum floors or other man made materials? If it had been in the open dirt, your pop would have been toast. ;)
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