Bird Feeders at Deer Stands

Why not? Even where baiting is illegal, you could hang it high enough that the deer couldn't reach it. Use suet or something that won't fall to the ground.
I had a go-round with Mr. Ranger Sir game warden years back. I had irrigated part of my small alfalfa field for several days straight and had standing water in spots on Sept 1. My grandson and I were dove hunting on that end of the field, since it has the trees on it. Mr. Ranger Sir roared up on my property, citation pad in hand. He was a jerk with two esses, yelling that we were "baiting" doves with standing water. I asked him "how do you irrigate alfalfa?". He stuttered and looked dumbfounded. I told him he was trespassing, and I was going to call the sheriff and have him trespassed. In all the years since I never saw Mr. Ranger Sir again anywhere in the valley.

I've seen deer eating suet at bird feeders on occasion. We can't bait, even with standing water, but I can have salt blocks out for cattle. ;)