Blatant shipping labels.

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Dec 31, 2007
Minor rant here. Thanks for listening

When I order jimmy hats online, they ususally come in a manilla envelope, with no exterior markings, and the return label will say something innocuous like "Department 101". I'm sure there are lots of similar legal entities that obscure the origin in the interest of buyer privacy.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm under no illusion that the carrier or shipping company has no idea what's in the box. Now personally, in the case of condoms, it could say "Joe's Condom Emporium" in bright fuschia, and I wouldn't mind... I do respect others' desire for privacy and understand they might desire such packaging on that particular item.

I live in an apartment. It's not really the ghetto, but the UPS guy won't leave packages at your door in this neighborhood, even if you sign your rights away.

I'm not worried about someone breaking into my apartment to steal my condoms. I mean, they are nice condoms and all, but still ..

I am a little bit annoyed that I arrived home to find a notice that had been sitting on on my door all afternoon, though, that stated I had missed my package from "Gilbert's Guns", and that they would deliver to the office or redeliver tomorrow. Not cool, guys.
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