Body Armor: Concealable IIIA == Not-so Concealable IIIA?

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Dec 23, 2002
Assuming both are IIIA rated, is there any reason to use a ubertactical SWAT IIIA vest with all those buttons and things over a concealable one? Does the bulk come into play at all with the amount of protection, or are all IIIA vests created equally?

Edited for clarification, I am planning on getting a IIIA or some other type of concealable some time in the future. Me thinks the entry types may have..uh...limits as far as being discrete ;)
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There are various weight ratings (areal density, i.e. lbs/sqft.) for body armor. The lighter ones will be less bulky. I suppose you could go the route you're thinking, but I'd imagine the bulkiness may cause a mobility problem. Especially if we're talking about Class IIIA all the way around.

The areal density rating measures weight, but you'll usually find the lighter stuff to be less bulky also.
Hah, I beat you Skunk! I already have two vests! :D

Normally, I'll wear a level II when I'm at the range or doing something out of the ordinary (travelling through South Central LA for instance). If I'm caught in a situation without it, I have a backup level IIIA in the trunk.

Not only does threat level come into play when determining a vest's comfort, but also how the panels were stitched, how much the panels cover your torso, the way the carrier is made, etc. To date, I've never worn a more comfortable vest than Second Chance's.

To quote Second Chance: "If they see the vest they aim for the head."
Go concealed.

Next time I see you I'll let you try them on.



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Just curious, but what are the laws that govern a civilian, like myself, buying armor and wearing it in california? Like what kind of restrictions and hoops are there? Thanks
As long as you're not a convicted felon, there are no restrictions at all. Some shops may restrict sales to LEO only, but it's not law.
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