Bush: Take bin Laden attack threat seriously

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Justin said:
What of all the other posts wherein you toss around accusations of treason?
If the word is at an issue which folks take exception to then I will refrain from its use starting now. But since you are establishing some sort of precedent here, let's also caution posters herein not to use the word "lie" when refering to the Chief Executive/Administration, as it is a word which I take exception to since in most cases it is allegation without proof. Deal?
"...capable of being perceived..."; to wit, "...although my opinion may not be personally able to be understood or perceived as your own opinion..."

There is no need to even have made the statement in the first place, as it's quite patently obvious to even a disinterested observer that our opinions differ.

Call me petty, but it strikes one as obvious that in the original context you were implying that I'm an idiot, incapable of perceiving the points you're trying to make.

the accusation is transparent because it's true. Simple as that. You criticized Bush on the grounds he was't elected by popular vote. False. Game, set, match. Irrelevant whether you support the electoral college. It's the rules of the game. Don't like 'em? Change 'em. The rules provide for that. Odd remarks from someone castigating Bush for violating the Constitution.
Justin said:
Call me petty, but it strikes one as obvious that in the original context you were implying that I'm an idiot, incapable of perceiving the points you're trying to make.

Difficult to respond to the following any other way Justin.

Justin said:
Camp David, there is fundamentally no point in even trying to debate the topic at hand with you when you seem to have such a problem with utilizing rational debating techniques...
Camp David said:
If the word is at an issue which folks take exception to then I will refrain from its use starting now.

I take exception to the fact that you use accusations of treason as a way to denigrate any who disagree with you. If you honestly have proof of someone being treasonous, perhaps you ought not be anonymously spouting off about it on an internet forum, and instead opt to have those people brought to the attention of the authorities.

But since you are establishing some sort of precedent here,

What precedent? You've consistently bullied any who disagree with you by attempting to label them as traitors to the United States. The only precedent being reinforced is to call you to the carpet for your bombastic and insulting rhetoric.

let's also caution posters herein not to use the word "lie" when refering to the Chief Executive/Administration, as it is a word which I take exception to since in most cases it is allegation without proof. Deal?

If someone makes an accusation of the President or Administration lying, you are certainly free to disagree and then prove them wrong. Perhaps by using these things called "facts."
Chris Rhines said:
The handy thing about imprisioning people without due process is that there is now way to know who is being imprisoned, where, why, and for how long. Hell, for all we know, there could be a thousand US citizens stuck in Gitmo, and they all could be guilty of nothing more than asking irritating questions of The Powers That Be. We don't know, so we don't complain much.

So of course you support the state. I'm sure you will, right up until the state comes for you.

- Chris

boooom:D JDAM.
Hey guys great personnal arguement you got going here.:(

Why doesnt the moderator lock this thread since it degenerated into a pissing match that has nothing to do with the original topic, or with guns?????

Just like he did with my thread on conspiracies???????:)
It looks like he's come full circle on Bin Laden. Bush went from "most important" to "I'm am truly not that concerned about him" and now back to "take threat seriously". I wonder what the Bush line will be next year on bin Laden - the odds makers in Las Vegas should take bets on it.

A matter of "Confusion to the enemy" maybe?
McCall911 said:
A matter of "Confusion to the enemy" maybe?

Sure. He's trying to make the entire Al Qaeda network think we've forgotten all about 'em. Then, when they poke their little furry noses out of the cave... WHAM! The trap is sprung!
I think actually he is trying to avoid a confrontation with Pakistan, who is not cooperating in finding OBL (in Pakistan). I think it is wise to pick the opportunity carefully, sticking to other business in the interim.
Justin: A few corrections since you broached the subject. Initially, I rarely ignore any post; a terse review of my prior posts in varous threads herein makes that plain. I do read most of what is published on this board and ignore little; I like the board and learn a lot from it.

While I disagree with CD on key issues and agree that some of the criticism leveled against him is valid, I would have to agree with him here. Generally he provides well-reasoned (if, in my opinion, often incorrect) responses that almost always make me think and force me to refine my own opinions in response. It helps to clarify my own thinking and I appreciate the brain pushups he sometimes makes me do. We have some fundamental differences in our beliefs that mean we will seldom, if ever, see eye to eye, but I'm glad to have somene of his caliber for a mental foil.

Waitone said:
Disgusting thread. Everything Democrat Underground offers can now be found on THR.
Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS) is the first human ailment documented as transmissable via electrons.

They need our pity & understanding, Waitone. Coming from folks (like myself) who don't feel too strongly either way about GWB, our understanding and gentle ministrations may one day help find a cure.

Their metal well-being depends on us!
While you anti-Bush fellows may or may not be correct, how would we be any better off with Al (I'm actually a mentally unbalanced person hiding in this body) Gore, or John (Vote for me because I'm the other rich, white guy-not Bush) Kerry?
Some people would vote for a tree stump if it were a Democrat...:D
Basura Blanca said:
I would've probably just said irrecoverable and left it at that. I'm curious as to what part you think isn't.

Well, I believe that despite everything, if Iraq does become a secular democracy like Turkey, it will have a stabilizing and modernizing effect on the region. So, 30 years down the line what we are doing now may prove to be a worthwhile investment. The problem is that the above is a very unlikely scenario, so the enormous investment would likely become an enormous loss.

No matter how much I disagree with or detest GWB, I'd rather see Iraq succeed than fail, for the sake of all of us. And if 30 years from now there are 20-meter statues of him in Bagdad and Basra, I will not begrudge them to him, but laugh my ass off at the irony of the world.
No matter how much I disagree with or detest GWB, I'd rather see Iraq succeed than fail, for the sake of all of us.

I'm with you 100 percent. A year ago, after the elections when it looked like things might be getting on track in Iraq, I began to think I had been wrong about the impossibility of winning an occupation (I believe you can win a war but can never really win an occupation). I was never so glad to be wrong about anything in my life.

Unfortunately things quickly deteriorated and I now am back to believing that you can't win an occupation.
The thread began with discussion about bin Laden's threat. After way too much personal squabbling, it's now drifted into judgement about the present situation in Iraq.

So let's start over...

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