C&R Application question

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Jun 6, 2006
Howard County, Merry Land
I recently received my 03 C&R application, and I'm almost done filling it out. One question though - on the last page of the ATF copy where I have to sign and date, what do I put for "title"? Should I just type "Mr.", or do I use "collector" or something?

If it helps, under the section where it asks for the name/social security number and "position" of each individual listed on the C&R, I listed my position as "collector".

Also - on the back of the second page of the ATF copy, number 7 states that before issuance of the license, you may be contacted by the ATF. How often does this actually happen? I don't have a problem with it, the only reason I ask is because I sometimes stutter very heavily, especially on the phone (I don't know why the phone is worse) and I always feel like the person on the other end is going to think I'm some sort of oddball. I'd hate to have it happen when talking to an agent, and have them think I'm nervous or hiding something. (or just an oddball with a stutter, lol)

I put "Collector" on mine. Just don't say "Gun Runner" :neener:

Don't know about being contacted. That might be for the folks who live in states like New York. I have seen a lot of posts from people in NY getting a visit from the ATF prior to getting their C&R.
Yup, put collector!!!
Going on my 3rd time around with them.

Don't knock on NY,no visits from them yet.
It wouldn't bother me if they wanted.
All my paper work is in order.

Actually you don't need to put anything there, and the Position block is for business use so you don't need to fill that out either. I just got my second renewal and never have filled those out.

I have never talked directly to anyone who has ever been visited by ATF for their C&R license. I've heard stories of people who heard from people that their cousins best friend got a visit. But I've never been able to track down that person.

I've belonged to a bunch of C&R boards over the years, and never saw anyone post that they had been visited either.
Thanks for the replies, ya'll. I didn't know that the Position space was for businesses only, I already put "collector" there, so they'll have to deal. :)

I'll leave the Title space blank. Thanks again!
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