CA: two graphs from on the recall effort

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May 8, 2003
Here are two graphics of the recall petition effort:



Thank you, thank you to everyone who signed the petition or helped in the recall effort (spread the word, gathered signatures, etc.)! We still have a long ways to go! :D
I sincerely hope Californians will do the morally right thing and kick Red Davis out of office. Realistically speaking, it probably won't make a great deal of difference who sits in the governor's office, since the state legislature has been at least as irresponsible as Red Davis, but at least the leftist extremists from coast to coast will see with their own eyes they can't get away with everything.
I just read at Drudge that Jack Kemp is considering taking a run at the Governor's office. That would be interesting, as he has some pretty good support in some minority groups. Second Amendment views? Beats me. geegee
Tom McClintock is running, and is very solid on the second amendment, in addition to having good fiscal sense. Jack Kemp? dunno, other than he's a "moderate", so he's probably all for "common sense gun control", but I don't know - just speculation. Besides, he doesn't live here, just owns property here. Michael Savage, wild-eyed talk show host, has announced that he is considerating a run as an independent. Arianna Huffington, demented columnist, occasional talking head and former wife of former candidate for US Senate may run. Bill Simon, former candidate for governor, defeated by Grayout Doofus, is probably going to run. Darrel Issa, car-alarm businessman is definately running. Peter Camejo, green, is running. Arnold Schwartznegger, terminator, has been teasing about running, but probably won't - I doubt Maria will let him. Richard Riordan, Rino Republican former mayor of LA who thought a door-to-door round up of guns was a good idea, and who ran to the left of Grayout Doofus in the primaries last year, may or may not run, depending on what his friend Arnold does.

Is that it, or did I forget anyone?
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