Carry near public meetings, aka Presidential visits

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Jun 23, 2006
There is a loaded title poll on Yahoo.

"Should Americans carry firearms while protesting near the president of the United States?"

(Since when is using your right to carry and right to free speech called a protest?)

Place your vote!

Right now it is:
46% YES
47% NO

Total: 924 votes
[ 43% (398 votes) ]
[ 8% (72 votes) ]
[ 49% (454 votes) ]

It is worded horribly.

As a discussion topic, I hope this "trend" continues in the most peaceful and honorable way. It will only take one or two nutjobs, either loon protesters or reactionary LEO, to ruin this type of public statements from being made. I'd like this to become the norm in fact; to see peaceful protests of openly armed citizens, dissenting the government movements that they oppose.
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Let's try to remember that Activism threads are not for debate - they are for coordinating concerted action.

In this case, the concerted action being requested is to vote in the poll. I do not know what other dialogue needs occur here on that topic.

If any of y'all want to debate the wisdom of armed protest - there's a thread in GGD specifically for that purpose.
Look, I'm as pro-gun as they come. I say carry anywhere and everywhere it's legal. But---BUT---when engaging in a protest you must be careful that you don't send the wrong message. Carrying an AR at the presidential town hall undermines your message. It gives the opposition an easy way to dismiss you and your entire movement as crazy people. Always think about what the two-sentence news blurb will say (not what you want it to say, but what they'll actually write).

Don't give them an excuse. You want to carry, fine. Keep it concealed. Stay on message and get the word out, and don't scare the straights.
We do need to be careful here...and that was my point.

Our gov't knows full well that its citizens are heavily armed. We don't need to "prove" that to anyone.

When the majority feel that gun owners keep them from living peaceful lives, our gov't will gladly put it to vote, and with our system, majority rules. If our gov't gets the majory to WANT gun control, then we are toast.

I don't bring TNT to a fireworks show, just because I can. I don't bring a cat to a dog show...just because I can. Is bringing a loaded gun to a town meeting on health care reform the smart thing to do...just because we can? No so sure.

Again, our Gov't would love nothing more than to get non-gun owning citizens against gun owners. If the gov't can make gun ownership "culturally inappropriate", then the majority will rule against guns, and laws will follow.

Just my $0.02....not that it's worth a lot.
I gotta go with Blackbeard (mine's gray) on this one. I do believe in and understand the desire that we have to express our Second Amendment right. But if we get heavy handed the only thing that we will accomplish is to scare the general public and move them further to the left...toward demanding even more gun control than we already have. Let's be prudent in expressing our freedom or we shall surely lose it at the hands of those who believe that the proper role of government is to control citizens rather than liberating them.


"Democracy requires wisdom."
Pete Dominick is running his mouth on this one right now on Sirius channel 110. He's an idiot.
OK, I love guns and own them. I believe we have the right to carry if state law permits it. Would I? The answer is NO! First I been involved in and around hunter safety all of my life. I have taught many people how to be responsible. I have taught them over and over to always be in control of their weapon. You are fooling yourself if you think you have total control over your gun in heated Politic event. You are only one nut away from having your gun kill someone.
I am glad that we are having this discussion here. I do think it is gun related as a) guns are part and parcel to the discussion, and b) if this thing goes badly, our guns may be placed on the line.

I work in a very conservative organization...along side many very conservative people...people who are very uneasy about changes that are being considered by the White House and Congress since the November elections...people who are just as uneasy as we are about RKBA and the 2nd Amendment (we're in healthcare).

Many of us are gun people and many of these otherwise very conservative, McCain Palin bumper sticker kind of folks are not familiar or comfortable with guns...just because they are not people if you will.

This kind of activity, at these public forums, may well foster a "nutty aura" around our hobby (one that we fight anyway) and also may well alienate our consevative counterparts...those who's passions are around other planks in the conservative platform. Many of these people know that many of us support them on their conservative issues. We can be sure that many of them, while not "gun people", do not seek changes to, and in fact support, the 2nd Amendment...if only at the ballot box. We want and need that continued support.

I think this sends the wrong message about us and while it's a shame, we cannot count on everybody understanding what we want and who we are. For some people, the 2nd Amendment may just have to remain a concept and if you're one of those people, and you see this kind of thing, you may wonder what we are really about...we don't need that kind of doubt in any more minds.

I am glad this discussion is taking place here. Thanks.
I am glad that we are having this discussion here.
What part of this was not clear:
Let's try to remember that Activism threads are not for debate - they are for coordinating concerted action.
If any of y'all want to debate the wisdom of armed protest - there's a thread in GGD specifically for that purpose

Dang, folk.
Poll results are in:

"Yesterday's poll: Several Americans have carried weapons at protests near where President Barack Obama was giving a speech. Gun-rights advocates say these people are simply exercising their constitutional right to bear arms. Those who argue for more gun control say it could be a disaster waiting to happen. Should Americans carry firearms while protesting near the president of the United States? Fifty-one percent of respondents said yes while 42 percent said no."
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