Catching up on my reading

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Dec 25, 2002
Poulsbo, Wa
So, being seperated from my family for a month and working the back-shift has given me a chance to catch up on my reading. Lately, I have been in a disaster type kick, and working my way through the books I can find off the TEOTWAWKI thread that someone else started on here a while ago. In the past 2 weeks, I have read three books that stand out, and heartily reccomend them for others.

The first is called The Rift, by Walter J. Williams, and is a fairly recent book. Deals with a major earthquake along the New Madrid Fault system in Missouri, which I didn't even know exited until I read the book. The earthquake pretty much wipes out the US from New Orleans to Chicago.

It's not really TEOTWAWKI, but, it does show how stuff can break down locally during emergencies. It's a long one to, at around 900 pages. My favorite gun moment is when the author refers to glocks as 'a gun favored by gangsters' :scrutiny: I had to read back to make sure he didn't mean Raven's.

This book is especially creapy as how just a few days ago, there was a 4.0 earthquake in St. Louis due to the New Madrid fault. :uhoh:

The second book was The Postman, by David Brin. All I'm going to say here is Man it chaps my hide how Hollywood can ruin a good book.:fire:

A fairly short read, I found it much more enjoyable then another David Brin book, Earth Earth just kind of plodded(and I can't really reccomend it)...but the it in about a day. As for firearms...there is one scene that confused me...the main charecter carries a revolver...but he keeps two chambers empty for safety reasons. Must say I've never heard of that, but then again, I've never lived through a nuclear war either.

The final book that I just finished today was Lucifer's Hammer, by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. Awesome book. It's about a comet that is found, and of course it is heading towards earth. It's enjoyable to watch the scients change their tune, as they admit that the chance of it actually hittng the Earth is 'Billions to one' then 'thousands to one' and then hundred to one, not sure up to the day of impact if it's actually going to hit.

Another thing I like about the book is that it let's you think about what you would do. Some of the charecters go the survival route, heading for the hills with their guns. Other's refuse to believe it will hit, and do nothing. Most people, as in all things, stradle the fence, buying supplies, but stating at home.

Plenty of gunplay in this one, as well as other weapons systems. Definetatly a must read. The movie Deep Impact comes close, but, it's no Lucifer's hammer.

Perhaps my favorite quotes from the book is this: Our society is only three meals from a revolution.

Sobering thought, and proved out in this book.
he keeps two chambers empty for safety reasons

Hammer down on an empty chamber to prevent discharge from a drop or a hit. Empty chamber following to prevent discharge from an accidental trigger pull. Kind of like Condition 3 for a 1911, or wearing a belt AND suspenders.

Thanks for the book reviews. I think I read Lucifer's Hammer years ago. I'll have to check out the other two.
Been a while since my TEOTWAWKI post and I'd like to recommend two additional books, both by Jeff Long. I think both were on NYTimes list.

The Descent , (perhaps more dystopian) world discovers very violently, existence of competing species living hundreds of kilometers below the earth. Original source of monsters/devil legend. Armed party enters the earth... Great, Great book.

Year Zero , true TEOTWAWKI. Ancient virus mutates and wipes out world. Desparate remnants in USA try to find cure before it spreads to them. Perhaps a bit depressing.
Recommended Reading-

Stolen Valor by by R. G. Burkett & Glenna Whitley

How The Viet-Nam Generation Was Robbed Of It's
Hero's and History

It exposes all kinds of "fake hero's", and gives details
of persons shaming the Veterans Administration out
of millions of dollar's; and exploits persons using this
service who aren't even veterans!

I would give it a five star rating!

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Based on recommandations here, I read 1632 and I am now reading the newly published 1633. Great fun books, with a definite TEOTWAWKI feel, though in different way. Quite cool.

Also "Dust" is a great end of the world book, with the premise being that the insects die off, due to a DNA timer, and the dust mites, uncontroled, begin to take over the world. Smart people fight back. A very cool book.

I really slowed down.

Last week was Vol. II of U.S. Grant's Personal Memoirs and Longstreet's From Manassas to Appomattox. Regarding Grant, I didn't know that the Union forces at Vicksburg made siege mortars from tree stumps (they burned out the center and then reinforced it with iron loops). I can see why some Confederates hated Longstreet and he certainly downplays his setbacks. Finished up Gen. Orlando Wilcox's Personal Valor - his papers, letters and journals of the Civil War. For me it's valuable because of his involvement at Fort Stedman where Gordon massed his sharpshooters for an "infiltration" style attack that was suppose to lift the Siege of Petersburg. Last night it was Richard Taylor's Destruction and Reconstruction. He's got some interesting observations about using sharpshooters and field pieces to thwart gunboats and ironclads.

Presently reading Joshua Chamberlain's Bayonet.
ain't books grand?

presently reading Parliament of Whores by PJ O'Rourke. Older book, but still hilarious and pertinent.

Just finished Eternity Road by Jack McDevitt. Interesting far-future sci-fi about a group of travelers from a pastoral society on the Mississippi River looking for the last outpost of the "Roadmakers" (us) who were wiped out eons ago by a plague. Not great, but entertaining

next up is a biography of John Adams. Part of a book-exchange program with a liberal friend. He's reading my copy of The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

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