Chicago Violated Federal Law

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Dec 6, 2010

"Release of this data for anything other than a bona fide criminal investigation is prohibited by federal law, for very good reasons. The data used for this study should not have been released by CPD for a "published study" under current law. Doing so is a violation of the Tiahrt amendment—which was passed to protect the safety and privacy of law-abiding gun owners, police officers, witnesses, and gun dealers—by prohibiting agencies from releasing this information to non-law enforcement entities."

Synopsis: It's Chicago ... what else can we expect from them??
Whomever released the data needs to pay a hard financial penalty from their own personal savings. Their supervisor needs the same punishment. In addition, all benefits including any retirement and medical should be halted, and any assets seized. If we don't get tough with this kind of violation, it will only escalate.
it was chicago, nothing will happen to the guilty party, thats why it is chicago....
And meanwhile 10 or so people die a week in shootings up there. They now say Afghanistan is SAFER that Chicago (and lousy teachers make huge salaries.)

Rahm Emmanuel - part of Obama's circle - is mayor of Chicago.

And the Obama Administration's Attorney General is Eric Holder.

I expect nothing substantive will be done.
Rahm Emmanuel - part of Obama's circle - is mayor of Chicago.

And the Obama Administration's Attorney General is Eric Holder.

I expect nothing substantive will be done.
It would like trying to prosecute the Mob with Al Capone as President and Lucky Luciano as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Whats another federal law or two ... they also bulldoze the runways of an active airport, with FAA personnel in the tower. What happened ... nuthin.
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