Cleveland Plain Dealer threatens to release all CHL names

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I just sent this to the Plain Dealer:

The Plain Dealer's intention to publish the names of concealed weapon permit holders is obviously an attempt to villify them, but anyone who is intellectually honest will realize that the people you list are "card-carrying good guys."

Permitees who privately carry firearms will be engaging in a legal activity that does not threaten the safety of the public in 44 other states and won't in Ohio either. They will all have fingerprints on file with the government, they will all have completed a state-sanctioned training course, they will all have passed a criminal background check.

I plan on getting a permit as soon as possible and will be proud to have my name listed in the newspaper along with other good citizens who take responsibility for their own safety within the limits of the law.

David Miller
*********, Ohio
You might contact the paper's legal staff and point out the paper's potential liability should something untoward happen as a result of their publishing the CCW list.

Every paper with which I am familar will scream, "The people have a right to know. . ." Never have I ever made the assumption that telling the press something is the same as tell the public. Media spikes huge stories for self interest. Printing CCW list is retribution for failure to defeat the proposal.
Here's the first shot:

Smallest minority posts:

A Captial Idea!

Now that Ohio has "shall-issue" concealed carry (with some odious restrictions), there has been some backlash from the Anointed in the media. With his permission, I'm copying verbatim from Ravenwood:
Naming Names

"It is this newspaper's intention to obtain this information and publish it. Our readers deserve to know the identities of those who obtain permits to carry their guns in public. We hope other news organizations will do the same in their communities."
-- Reaction of the Cleveland Plain Dealer editorial staff, to Ohio's passage of legislation permitting the concealed carry of firearms.

"The editors of this newspaper can expect a taste of their own medicine. As soon as they publish permit holders' names, we'll publish the names, phone numbers and home addresses of every single person on staff at the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Same goes for any other newspaper that singles out gun owners in this way."
-- Reaction from the staff of Keep and Bear Arms to the Cleveland Plain Dealer's policy on naming names.

I say, why wait. Lets start at the top. The Editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer is Douglas Clifton. Here is his address and telephone number:
Douglas Clifton
19 Shoreby Dr
Cleveland, OH 44108-1161
Tel.: (216) 761-6577Here is his bio. For a map to his home, click here. Shall we spread this around?
Makes sense. They list citizens choosing to excercise their 2nd Amendment rights, we publish a list of those excercising their 1st Amendment rights.

Didn't the press used to be on the side of the people?
Just because someone harms your children does not mean you should harm or jeopardies theirs. People are not responsible for the actions of their parents. Everything else you listed sounds good though.
Go the opposite way, and point out by announcing who HAS a permit, that any criminals will note who does NOT have a permit, and will assume THOSE homes are "invadeable". Thus, by thier action, they are putting THEMSELVES in danger! Once that is explained, perhaps they will amend thier actions, to save thier own cowardly skins....

Waste of time - you're using a language they don't understand...

Isn't it ironic that here in Ohio, we are upset about public disclosure of CCW holders while in California Jim March is fighting to get these records to stay open?

I'm just waiting for the first law suit to happen as a result of someone being fired for being on "the list."
Isn't it ironic that here in Ohio, we are upset about public disclosure of CCW holders while in California Jim March is fighting to get these records to stay open?

Jeez, could it be that those records being open in California is the only way to prove that there's discriminatory practices in the may issue system out there?
the only reason these morons are threatening to do this is the fact that ccw passed and they didnt think it would-the press issue was inserted into the bill as an insult to drag it into not being passed.Im sure the big names associated with antiguns in Cleveland are gritting their teeth over this and cooking up schemes-any scheme-to make things difficult for legalized ccw and gun ownership in general.Id look for more schemes from them in the future.Remember to vote..hit em the wallet.
Hmm. I has anyone considered sending the personal information for the Plain Dealer crew to every mass marketing, 'support' group, 'political' organisation, direct marketing and catalog business (especially the adult ones :D) in north america? Let them drown in catalogs, mailings and other junk mail for a while. It might be a good lesson to them on why publishing personal information is a bad idea.

The people on slashdot did this to a major spammer some time ago. The spammer apparently wasn't amused.

ErikM :evil: antigun is it not?

Cleveland has been a solid liberal stronghold for a long time. In simplest terms...


Cleveland is still one of the cities with an active suit against the gun makers/distributors, etc. Like the once Cincinatti dropped several months back.

Since I don't live in the City of Cleveland, I am not sure, but I have heard some nonsense about Cleveland requiring registration of handguns.
Well- Doug and Peggy weren't home.....

At least that's what the answering machine said:D
I just called to discuss this issue with Doug and left a pleasant message if he wished to return my call!!!

Think a few thousand "pleasant messages" (always be polite!!!!!) can have him reconsider his employees actions??
There is a belief on the part of the media that any information held by government on any level should be "fair game " for the media and therefore available for the media to publish. Their discretion is the only discretion allowed. Sort of like the media is trying to put a "mark of shame" on CCW holders, when in fact the result could be more like a tattoo from Auschwitz!
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