Combining Hunting/Fishing/CCW/Drivers Licenses

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Oct 6, 2009
central IL
Louisiana has begun offering a lifetime hunting/fishing endorsement ( on the back of their drivers license. My thought is, why wouldn't the same thing work for CCW? If we had one license that encompassed our drivers, hunting, fishing, and CCW, it seems like that would make things easier for everyone involved. Police would only have to look at one card to know whether or not you were legal, all licensing could be done through the already existing bureaus. Combine it with national reciprocity and you'd be good to go. Any reason this wouldn't work if implemented?
Yikes. For those of us who don't care to have everything about us (including whether or not we're CCW types) show up on a screen just because a cop's writing us a ticket for a few mph over, let's hope not.

I don't need the game warden to know about my CCW, or what endorsements I have on my driver's license, either.

It may be peeing against the tide at this point, but enough with the Big Brother total personal tracking integration already!
I see your point, I guess I'm just looking for a nationwide consistent way of doing CCW without making it a federal thing. I think I would be giving my CCW license to any LEO that pulled me over anyway, so I guess that's a non issue for me. I would rather they know about it up front than think I'm trying to hide something from them.
I live in the Chicagoland area and of course we have the Moore v madigan and Shepard v Madigan being heard in 7th cir today, and one of the arguments that the anti-gunners have made in the past is how dangerous it is for police officers to do traffic stops never knowing who is going to have a gun.

It's so totally ridiculous. I'm not a police officer but I imagine that police really have no idea who has a gun anyway, and I imagine that they prepare mentally and every other way for a traffic stop to go badly or domestic - or whatever.

Secondly, game officers / Fish & Wildlife etc... are going out in the field and talking to hunters all of the time. The hunters have rifles and shotguns - and we don't hear the hysteria that basically equates citizen with guns means danger to officers.

But anyway I'd rather have the officer have all the information up front - that way (hopefully) we don't have another Canton Ohio incident.
I think I would be giving my CCW license to any LEO that pulled me over anyway, so I guess that's a non issue for me.

Why? We don't have a duty to tell a LEO about a CCW when stopped. Here CCW is handled by the Dept of Agriculture, not the state police
Yikes. For those of us who don't care to have everything about us (including whether or not we're CCW types) show up on a screen just because a cop's writing us a ticket for a few mph over, let's hope not.
Non-issue here, since we have to disclose anyway.

We NEED the SoS to take over duties of CPL re-issue here.
NO, NO, NO. As much as I worry about setting a precedent for futher government regulation, there are LOTS of people to whom you show your DL as ID who have no business knowing that you have a CCW, or like to 'kill and eat helpless animals and do things with their skins'. Your friendly local bank teller... the vapid girl at the corner mini-mart... bubba the smelly oil-change monkey... th financial aid counseler at your duaghter's admissions office at Leftwing State University... your next prospective employer!
Well here in Kentucky it doesn't really matter because if a LEO runs your drivers license or tag if he owner has a CCDW it shows. We are also required to declare if we are carrying at the time of a stop and if you don't you could loose your CCDW. Not a big deal though as here they seem pretty laid back about CCDW carriers.
We need to get rid of firearms licensing in all forms, not make things easier for the bureaucracy. The Second Amendment is my gun permit, or should be anyway.
My thought is, why wouldn't the same thing work for CCW?
How bout we just sign over our pay checks to the goverment every month and they let you do anything you want to do??

As this is not really Activism I will move it to General.

Sorry, wasn't too sure of where to put it.
I guess my thought was if the endorsements were on the back of the license, the majority of people looking at your license for ID purposes would never turn it around. Very valid points though, especially about employers, as all of mine have copied both sides of my license.
I suppose if you don't want people knowing you have a CCW license that would not be a good idea.
We need to get rid of firearms licensing in all forms, not make things easier for the bureaucracy. The Second Amendment is my gun permit, or should be anyway.

I get your point and I agree. I also think it is a good thing to work towards, but reality has to set in at some point. This is simply not going to happen anytime soon. So while I will do what I can to work toward this with others who are fighting toward it, I also think we need to be working to make the system we are in (like it or not) better.
I guess some see having a license at all as a battle lost, but as I cannot carry in my state at all, I would see national reciprocity and a CCW in every state as a big win.
I'm not awfully worried about Big Brother, seems like some of you are. I figure if the government is really interested in me, they won't have to work too hard to find out my info. My having a CCW probably won't change that much.
I generally believe that govenments are not comfortable issuing a lifetime CCW permit since in most places there is a new background check when you renew your permit.

I also tend to fall in the camp that believes that a carry permit should not be required at all, but that attitude certainly does not have general support in most states by the general public.

Hence, I fall in the Sam1911 camp and try to limit the Big Brother aspect of our lives as much as possible. You may have encountered employers making a copy of your drivers license as well as doctors offices. Again, I try to limit the easy access to what I consider private information.
Yikes. For those of us who don't care to have everything about us (including whether or not we're CCW types) show up on a screen just because a cop's writing us a ticket for a few mph over, let's hope not.

I don't need the game warden to know about my CCW, or what endorsements I have on my driver's license, either.

It may be peeing against the tide at this point, but enough with the Big Brother total personal tracking integration already!

With today's technology, iffin you have a legal CCW permit, there is already the means available for that Traffic Cop or Game Warden to know just by running your license. They may not use it, but the technology is there. This, along with the means to know everything else on record about you. Game Wardens and LEOs already assume everyone they stop has a firearm on them, them knowing you have a legal right to do so, IMHO is not a bad thing. If you are the average law abiding citizen, you really have nuttin' to hide from big brother, but again, with today's technology, things like whether or not you are a licensed CCW, are impossible to hide from those with access to the files. Altho I don't like it either, it's the way things are and will only get worse. Putting all my hunting/fishing/driving/CCW endorsements on one piece of plastic would not be cause for me to make a tinfoil hat, but would just save room in my wallet.
With today's technology, iffin you have a legal CCW permit, there is already the means available for that Traffic Cop or Game Warden to know just by running your license. They may not use it, but the technology is there.

Oh, no doubt. The TECHNOLOGY is there to do an astounding amount more than that. It certainly would be possible to put DNA data, medical history, financial records, etc...not just on a card, but on an RFID chip implanted under your skin if such was allowed/desired. But the fact that the tech. is there is not a justification for allowing "public servants" to USE it.
But the fact that the tech. is there is not a justification for allowing "public servants" to USE it.

I agree Sam, but many argue there is no justification for them NOT to use it. Legally, in most cases, there are no rules against it either. Facts are, we live in the information age. Data bases that have all of our accessible and pertinent information abound, and unfortunately, it's not just big brother that have them. I see no legitimate reason why a LEO or Game Warden should not know I have a license to CCW. It only shows I am legally exercising my rights. Big Brother already knows I have a permit.......someone in that position issued it. As common as CCW permits are getting, I cannot believe it would even raise an eyebrow for anybody dealing in law enforcement.
I see no legitimate reason why a LEO or Game Warden should not know I have a license to CCW. It only shows I am legally exercising my rights. Big Brother already knows I have a permit.......someone in that position issued it.

Here in the Commonwealth, the LCTF (carry permit) is issued by the individual County Sheriffs and does not link up to some database accessible to agents of other entities. I rather like that.

As common as CCW permits are getting, I cannot believe it would even raise an eyebrow for anybody dealing in law enforcement.
If you can't believe it, then you haven't had it happen to YOU, or read the many accounts (even posted here at THR) of the negative things that can happen to someone when the idea that they're carrying a firearm enters into an official LEO interaction where it was not relevant.

Just as one example, here in PA we have a nasty little piece of law that allows the PASP to keep a database of handgun sales. (Oh no, it sure isn't a "registry", nope, no sirree! Wink, wink.) Not a database of who owns handguns, but the sales. Certain officers of the PASP have developed a bit of a reputation for lifting the carry weapons of anyone who tells them they're carrying -- just to go "run the numbers" and make sure everything's legit. No problemo, right? :scrutiny: Now, there are several valid reasons why someone may own and carry weapons that do not appear in the database -- and that resource is specifically NOT to be used in this manner. But it has happened. And if you're carrying a weapon that you've owned since before the database went into effect, or something that you owned before you moved to the state, some officers will confiscate it and leave it up to you to travel to whatever barracks where your gun is being held and prove you own it! :fire:

Not this is an abuse, and it has caused a lot of outrage, and we'd like to believe such things are being curtailed. But, there's a very real and present issue that, you may believe, causes a few eyebrows to be raised!
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