Contact Senator Reid

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Jun 18, 2010
I think now would be a good time to drop a line to Senator Reid to remind him that there are Americans that do not support any more gun control. Just to keep the pressure up and keep our voices being heard. Spend 3 minutes and contact him here .

Your letter doesn't need to be as long as mine (in fact shorter is generally better) but here's the one I sent today.

I am writing to you as a registered voter who is deeply concerned with this most recent attack on our Second Amendment Rights.

Other countries and even major cities in our own country have proven that taking away guns from law abiding citizens does not make people safer but actually creates a more dangerous community (criminals don't obey the law).

I urge you to do everything in your power to uphold the Constitution of the United States. This is an issue that the 80 million gun owners of America take very seriously and will work passionately to ensure our Rights are not infringed.

If you support the Constitution the People will support you. Many of the politicians that have drafted these infringement Bills will likely lose their seats at their reelection as was the case during the last "Assault Weapons Ban". An overwhelming amount of Americans value their freedom more than anything and have now realized that we need to be active to make sure our Rights are not infringed.

Thank you very much for your time.
I already include him in my contacts. Along with Boehner and Mitch McConnell
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