Converting 5.45 mags to 5.56

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Jan 15, 2011
Upstate NY
I'm thinking of buying a VEPRK chambered in 5.56. I know Robarm used to sell the 30rd mags that were essentially AK74 mags converted to 5.56. Does anyone know how to convert 5.45 caliber surplus AK74 mags to 5.56? I know you have to change out the follower but I'm not sure with what. I've got a ton of AK74 mags and converting some of them to 5.56 is more cost effective than trying to find the 5.56 magazines.....
Forget about it, the case tapers don't match you will never get reliability no matter what you do to the followers.

If you don't care about reliability, you can load them with 5.56 and generally get ~25 shots to fire -- its the last 5 or 6 rounds where the failures usually happen.
This has been discussed here and on other AK-centric forums quite a bit.

AK in 223 - THR, as one example.

If you like failure drills, go for it.

If you like potentially mangling your magazines so they don't work well for any gun, go for it.
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