Curious, how many anti's have actually handled a gun?

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How high is up? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Somewhat fewer than all of them. It isn't that anti-gun folks haven't handled a guns it's that they're afraid and the gun isn't the issue it's the object to be focused on.
While I feel that I may draw some fire for saying this, I feel it needs to be said anyway.
The truth is that the power of a firearm is awesome. It effectively gives each man the power of life and death over others. It also does give others the same power over him.
When I think about the worst case scenario of something going wrong while I am shooting, it scares the hell out of me. Bullets go really fast and they can't be called back. It bothers me so much that I no longer plink in the woods. Eventhough I always had a solid backstop and I almost never see other people when I am hiking, I am still uncomfortable with the thought of a stray bullet taking a chunk out of someone.
I feel that fear is necessary.
I realize the power that I wield when I fire a round of .308 downrange.
That power requires awesome responsibility to use it safely, and some are simply not up to handling that responsibility.
If that is the choice that serves them best, then how can I fault them for that?
The thing I take exception to is the fact that they are telling me that I can't handle that power just because they can't.
The average person couldn't handle a race car at 200 MPH, but there are those who can.
How are guns any different?
goon, "With great power, comes great responsiblity". That's from Spiderman's Uncle, not me!!

So you are right..

The problem might lie in the fact that anti's have NO SELF-CONTROL. They are usually the more violent ones, and so they must do things to protect themselves from blowing up..

I'm all for that, if you don't think you can keep your cool, and not shoot someone because they cut you off.. Well, you shouldn't be a gun owner..

That said, the problem is, as much as I hate 1911's, I can't imagine restricting people who want one from owning one.

It was like the "10 car law" they tried to pass in California. "Nobody should own more than 10 cars".. it pollutes and wastes space.. who are they to tell me how many cars I can own? Jay Leno was the biggest spokeperson against that law (I can't imagine why as an owner of something like over 100 cars...)

Most anti's I know, have never touched a gun. Most anti's I take to the range, end up wanting to buy a gun :cool:
Baba Louie,

I don't see where Trapdoor ammo is hard to come by. It's probably a 45 -70 and that's common as dirt. If it's a 50-70 like mine, that may be harder but I understand even that stuff is making a comeback.
^^^huh? Thread hijack?

Anyway...While my limited knowledge of journalism may stifle a complete response, isnt it in the Journalism Creedo or something that a journalist fully know about the subject that he/she writes about? Wouldnt that include a view from not only the gun-banning side but also the pro-rights side as well?

The only flaw in the above argument is that the journalist has to be writing an UN-BIASED report about it WITH NO LEANINGS. Too bad such neutral reporting is nowhere to be found.
Originally posted by goon
The truth is that the power of a firearm is awesome. It effectively gives each man the power of life and death over others. It also does give others the same power over him.

I beg to differ. It isn't the gun that confers such power, it is the will that confers the power of life and death.
...fineswine knows shes not a criminal. she dont know about you...

I can clearly demonstrate I'm not a criminal: I've been photographed, finger-printed, and checked by a wide assortment of law enforcement agencies, and have the concealed hand guns permit to prove it.

Feinswine, by contrast, is a leftist extremist and avowed enemy of the Bill of Rights.

Whom would you trust?
Actually the real problem with most antis is that they think what applies to them applies to everyone. They may have serious moral concerns that they can't handle the responsibility of firearm ownership (and often they are right about this). They may have had bad experiences with firearms (violent crime victims or simply don't enjoy shooting). In many cases these are valid concerns, but it is when these concerns are generalized to the entire populace that the trouble starts because some people have good experiences and are responsible enough.

What makes Feinstein so reprehensible, is that she feels she is responsible enough to own and carry weapons, but that the general populace should not have provision for these same rights. She knows the truth, but fights against it through ignorance or stupidity or elitism or simply for personal gain.

The truth is that guns are neutral. They can be used for evil by people lacking character or knowledge. However they can also be used for good by those abounding in character and knowledge. It is our responsibility to see that the good uses of firearms remain while the evil uses are kept to a minimum. I believe, as do most people here, that the true way to keep evil to a minimum is to give individuals the freedoms and the rights to fight it on a daily basis.
I beg to differ. It isn't the gun that confers such power, it is the will that confers the power of life and death.

I agree with that point, but...

At this one job I worked at, there was this real @$$#0LE I had to deal with. He would get violent with people, and on one occasion, he took it upon himself to threaten me.
Having just gotten out of the Army, I wasn't the type to just cower like a little sissy. I also knew that he had at least fifty pounds on me.
I made the only choice I could to avoid having to kill him to win; I picked up a 20 oz claw hammer and told him to have at it.
He didn't.
True, I could have put a real hurting on him with that hammer, or possibly even with just my hands, feet and teeth.
But it would have been much easier to do so with a rifle.;)

BTW- If there are any antis out there thinking about how awful it is to make it known that you are willing to kick butt to keep yourself safe, think about this.
I didn't actually have to use that hammer on him, I just had to convince him that I would.
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