Dangit, I missed.

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Dec 3, 2005
The end of the road between Sodom and Gomorrah Tex
I was hunting with my iron sighted .357 Blackhawk this morning, 180 grain hand loads. I saw a hog walking down a trail nibbling at this and that coming toward my feeder, about 150 lbs I estimate at max, not a real big hog. It had straight black hair and a straight tail with the typical Russian big shoulders and little butt. I got the Blackhawk up on the gun rest and cocked it, hog stopped, headed to the right still nibbling and gave me a broadside, but I could only see the top half of the shoulder, so I held high on the shoulder and fired. I heard the bullet thump and thought I might have hit it, but there was no blood at all. I think I just hit the mud over the top of his back. Got to thinking about it, at that range (about 65 yards) the bullet is about 3" high in its trajectory. Small target and perhaps a little aiming error and you have a miss. :banghead: :cuss:

Oh well, I really didn't wanna clean a hog today anyway. Neat thing, I haven't hunted the place in a few years, but that's the first hog I've ever seen down there. Always see sign, but never a hog. They've seemed to be nocturnal and don't like to come out of the brush after sun up. Conditions are perfect for 'em right now, though, back part of my place is still holding water. It's really low back there and I wanna eventually get a tank built back there if and when I can hire a dozer, just maybe half day's work diggin' it out and shoving up a small dam around the back side of it. Anyway, the hogs are in there big time right now. I'm hoping maybe the population has exploded or something since I last hunted down there several years ago.
If you wanted it easy, you would have had a rifle. Handgun hunting is hard, I missed one(deer not pigs) with open sights before putting a red dot on my gp100. So far its 6 for 6 now. Good luck the rest of the season.
My feeder is about 30 yards from that stand. I guess I shoulda waited, he might have turned around and came in, then again...

Yeah, I was hunting with the iron sighted Blackhawk 'cause I've already tagged a spike and an 8 point with my Contender and my rifle. My Contender is a .30-30 with a 2x dot reticle scope, seems like cheating. :D I've taken a couple of deer in the past with the revolver, but no farther than 50 yards and using s different load. Oh, well, I can't shoot a friggin' bow and this is my way of putting the challenge into it.
Oh, well, I can't shoot a friggin' bow and this is my way of putting the challenge into it.

Why not? Have you given a bow a fair chance? Not that I think theres anything wrong to going out with a handgun, but, if you learn to shoot a bow you get more season!
I'm right handed, but can't see squat with my right eye, nearly blind. I shoot long guns left handed, taught myself to do that. I hold the handgun with the right hand and use the left eye. But, I don't wanna put the effort into learning to coordinate my left arm to draw a bow. I'm a rifleman at heart, anyway, not really into bows, though I have done some bow fishing and that was fun.
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