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DHS to purchase another 750 million rounds!

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The potential run on ammo that might happen around election time.

Also Border Patrol, Marshals, etc-etc-etc number probably in the middle to high hundreds of thousands of agents and officers. Quals, duty ammo, etc...

Additionally, anyone working in federal service now can tell you that it's consumables ordering time; be it paper towels, pens, copy paper, or bullets, fiscal year is coming to an end, and ordering anything after September can be iffy.
Its an IDIQ that allows them to purchase up to 750 Million, but it will come in task orders of smaller lots over time up to 2017. Dont start a buyers panic again:banghead:
DHS probably has money in their budget that they need to spend or they lose it in next year's budget.
Every military base will also be loading up with supplies.
That might explain why primers are so hard to find now-days...every store I go to says its hit or miss, depending on what the warehouse is holding that week
I know a small town official here in Idaho and he said the county Sheriff Dept. along with the Commissioners have been planning for civil unrest and how to protect its citizens. All counties in all states are doing this. Major and minor roads are to be blocked off in our area and the big pile of wheat is to be used in emergency to feed people if needed. He has no reason to blow this out of proportion. Believe it if you want. Best to consider it as a possibility than just pooing pooing it off as BS. I hope that is not the case.
There was a recent article on how the Feds are preparing the military and all of their militaristic subgroups to fight US citizens by 2016 - it seems they truly fear the armed masses pulling more of a french revolution - Storm the Bastille! - than a collective march down PA Avenue.

They are currently amassing drones in record numbers and cameras - think "Minority Report"

This garbage, if it wasn't so true to form - would normally be laughable
Nothing short of complete subjugation and disarmament is the goal - whether they will be able to make it happen remains to be seen, but it is not looking too good from here
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