Do govt agencies and armed forces have to wait 9 months for an NFA item?

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Sep 13, 2011
Do Government agencies and armed forces have to wait 9 months for an NFA item?

I have been reading the about the wait time for various NFA items, it seems that the wait has been nine months or longer. I understand that all NFA items have to be registered including those purchased by government agencies and armed forces (although I understand they are exempt from the $200 'tax').

But if the Army or CIA needed several thousand machine guns. Would they also have to wait 9 months like everyone else ? Or do they get quickly processed in days or weeks?

Thanks in advance
Federal agencies, including the armed forces, don't register their NFA items with the ATF. State and local agencies do. Transfers are expedited.
No, that which is illegal for the citizens is legal for the government (which is coincidentally an example of tyranny).
government agencies typically don't just up and buy stuff either. there is an appropriation cycle that may well amount to years.
Lets say the East Virginia Atomic Energy Commission decides they need ten SAWs for their Security patrol. They gin up paperwork and requisitions and send them to FN-USA, who then crates up ten (and whatever spares and the like that are in the requisition) and ships them away. No Form 1.
Lets say the East Virginia Atomic Energy Commission decides they need ten SAWs for their Security patrol. They gin up paperwork and requisitions and send them to FN-USA, who then crates up ten (and whatever spares and the like that are in the requisition) and ships them away. No Form 1.

Nope. The Form 1 is for the private (tax paid/non SOT) manufacture of a NFA weapon and is the wrong form for that type of transaction.

FN would make the machine guns on a Form 2 (notice of manufacture) and then they would be transferred on a Form 5 to the department tax free. The Form 2 being a notice has no time delay and Form 5s are given priority and don't have the same type of backlog that form 1 and 4s have.

That is assuming that the East Virginia Atomic Energy Commission isn't somehow exempted as the fed agencies are.
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