e-note from daughter's teacher on Constitution Week

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Staff member
Jan 3, 2003
0 hrs east of TN
My daughter's 3rd grade teacher sends out a weekly email to all the parents telling what the next 3 weeks hold for the kids. She noted that they'd be looking at the U.S. Constitution during Constitution Week next week and provided a link to Scholastic's teacher's website. (http://teacher.scholastic.com/scholasticnews/indepth/constitution_day/index.htm)

I popped over to look at what they had to say about the 2nd and was pleased to find this -

"Amendment 2
The Second Amendment guarantees Americans the right to bear arms, or own guns."

Pretty straight-forward.
Pretty straight-forward.

Maybe we should put 3rd graders in Congress. They certainly couldn't do any worse, and might save some money.

We'd only have to feed them PB&Js and their "fact finding tours" would only be to the Smithsonian.
Looks like the brainwashing that occurs in higher education hasn't filtered down to the little ones yet. Good thing. Maybe she'll remember that when she's old enough to vote.

I'm all for 3rd graders in congress. When you're represented by Cynthia McKinney, I doubt any 3rd grader could possibly whine more than she does :)
That's actually refreshing.

They usually get into "this amendment is controversial. Some people think in means X, others think it means Y. What do you think? Do you think X is a good idea? Do you think Y is a good idea?" wishy washyness.

I've got a daughter who's a senior this year. She's taking an American Government class and I check out the textbook in the section on the Bill of Rights. It says that the 2nd Amendment guarantees the States the right to have a militia (National Guard).

I just had to do a little graffiti (since the books are recycled back through the school) and added that this interpretation is not what the Amendments says or means! :rolleyes: :p
I feel like YODA

I hate to say back in the good old days, but long, long ago, in a galaxy far away the curriculum in schools included Civics and Social Studies, etc.
I wonder if any children recieve such teaching in the empire now?

A good source for you explorers is www.iotconline.com
Might have come right out of Blacks Law review (sic). When I was in grade school 50 years ago, the teachers thought the second amendment was obsolete.
But did they think it was obsolete in a good way meaning that it would not questioned or in a bad way meaning we have to get rid of guns since they are a problem and cause crime?

It is nice to know that she is being taught the simple truth about the 2nd Amendment. Just wait until high school.:banghead:
I've got a daughter who's a senior this year. She's taking an American Government class and I check out the textbook in the section on the Bill of Rights. It says that the 2nd Amendment guarantees the States the right to have a militia (National Guard).

Do you have access to that book?
Can you quote directly from it? I would like to see how that is worded exactly.

It is nice to know that she is being taught the simple truth about the 2nd Amendment. Just wait until high school.

Do you a textbook you can quote from? I would just like to see exactly how they are wording that.
I'm amazed .... the right to own guns ... good for them, they got a small part of it right and that is more than I'd expect.

We have the right to Keep them. In other words, not have them locked away at the town repository. Keeping them means they are at our disposal and under our control. And we have the right to bear arms; that is, the arms are not made for the closet, but for the type of practice and use that would make us "well regulated" (like a 'regulated clock' - in good working order, precise). If you cannot use, transport, or wear your arms, then you really cannot Bear them.
I hate to say back in the good old days, but long, long ago, in a galaxy far away the curriculum in schools included Civics and Social Studies, etc.
They don't teach those anymore around here. <Dons tinfoil hat> When people don't know their rights, it's easier to infringe upon them. It's not a coincidence that Civics classes have been removed from the curriculum. </tinfoil>
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