Ed Koch proves Dems don't and won't get it with guns

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Jul 10, 2003
I swear....watching Dems flounder on the gun issue is starting to become like watching a far-gone drug addict failing to take advantage of his absolute last intervention.

Of course, I think most Dems are incapable to realizing their peril on this issue, and will continue to wonder why they lose all the elections until Dems become the modern example of the Whigs.


Some Republican leaders have stated that what defeated the Democrats was “guns, gays and God.†Yet, we know that many negatives can, if appropriately addressed, become positives. What if, in the case of guns, the Democrats made that issue a state rather than federal issue and fought for controls in the fifty state legislatures in accord with local party interest. New York and West Virginia see this issue differently. Therefore, the New York Democratic Party would try to pass gun control legislation in the New York State Legislature, whereas the West Virginia Democratic Party would focus its energy on other issues. We should learn what positive results have come out of the huge effort made nationally for greater control of guns over the last fifty years, especially in the area of gun injuries and deaths. The Democratic members of Congress should ask the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to publicly report on the impact of gun legislation to date.


Guess he missed the report from the CDC on the public impact of gun legislation to date just last year... I believe the answer was a big ?

Can you imagine the chutzpah though of suggesting that now that you have been passing legislation for 70 years, it is time to take a look and see whether it is even achieving its goal?
Can you imagine the chutzpah though of suggesting that now that you have been passing legislation for 70 years, it is time to take a look and see whether it is even achieving its goal?

The goal is to make firearms more expensive and difficult for law-abiding American citizens to own. So far, leftist extremist so-called "gun control" has been successful.
I also think it is funny that the Dems now are "discovering" the concept of Federalism. Too bad the Federal Government (Bill of Rights) recognizes RKBA - it will not be left up to the states.
I grew up in NYC and I think the problem with Ed Koch is that he has swum in the waters of NYC politics for too long. He is well liked there (he was mayor for like 3000 years nearly) and I dont think he has lived anywhere else in the country. If you live in NYC it is very easy to go for years without being exposed to anything but the socialist utopian bull???? that the leftists love.

It took a few years of living in Florida to cure me of the bias against ignorant hicks not understanding the issues. They understand the issues, they just dont agree with the blue county people. It took a lot of effort to convince my parents (who stil live in manhattan) that Bush didnt pull the wool over anyones eyes- it was that people were genuinely well informed about Kerry and didnt like what they saw.

I also explained to them that while the Democrats no longer have Zell Miller types in their ranks, the republicans have a ton of very left leaning members, and that even those lefties count towards a republican control of both houses. I told them that they should find federalism and they should drop the gun bull???? if they want to stop losing elections. But I honestly dont think that will happen until the Gang of Four (shumer, kennedy, feinstein, boxer) are gone from office.

That was a great post. I really enjoyed seeing the differing opinions stated the way that you did.

I was grew up in ARK and MO my father is from a family of die hard yellow dog Democrats[2 of his siblings are named after the Rosevlets].

My moms family are mostly Republicans, but we are all from the same area and have many of the same moral values etc.

I swear if the Dems dug up Hitler and ran him in 08 my dad would vote for him.
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