Emailing MN legislature

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Aug 31, 2005
First reply

Dear Andrew,
Thank you for your message. I am a co-author and strong supporter of
both bills you reference. We will push hard for a vote but with the
liberal DFL in control the passage of the bills is highly unlikely. Hope
all is well. Take care.
Steve [Sviggum]

Second reply

I'm supportive of these bills and am a co-author.


Representative Marty Seifert
Minority Leader
267 State Office Building
100 Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155

My 'form email'

Dear Representative Sviggum:


HF 498 (the Stand Your Ground bill)
HF 775 (the RKBA Constitutional Amendment bill)

I believe strongly in the right of a responsable person to be able to
defend themselves in their home, and to have the concepts of the Second
Amendment included in our own state constitution.

I hope you support these bills as well.

Further, support or oppose these bills, I feel it is your duty as a
legislator to get these bills out of committee and onto the floor for a
vote. Support or oppose, these bills require action.

Thank you


So, how did I do? I wanted to keep it short and to the point. I also want to give hats off to the two authors who responded, and want you all MN folk to know that these fine folk did in deed respond, not form letter response, but actually responded.
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Yup! Ya done GOOD son!

Anytime you can get anything more than a "Thank you for your interest in our government, your suggestions have been dully noted.." out of a Minnesota representative, that is huge!

Frankly, I am surprised that Sviggum even responded. He must feel some pressure now that he is in the MINORITY. HAAAAAHAAAAHAAAA!!!! :D

Keep the pressure on those guys. Remember, they work for you. ....well they are supposed to work for you....

Great Job! :) NailGun.
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