Enough bullets are made every year to shoot everyone in the world twice, Oxfam says.

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There's that word again; "globally". Remember folks - you must think globally in all things! Forget about your country as being a particular country anymore - with a distinctive identity, ideology and culture. You must be homogenized with the rest of them.

I wonder if the controls at Oxfam - and their global field operations - are as tight as they are in the UN.

I mean, I wonder how much of the money they talk people out of funds the death squads, buys dope and pays for the services of other subversives in this geo-political agenda to build the big global plantation..


If there are so many rounds produced per year, then i wish they'd get the word out to my local big-box retailer, who seems to be chronically short of a few of the more popular calibers. It's not that you can't get the stuff, but if you have a shopping list, it seems that you usually have to stop at a couple places in the area to complete it lately. Maybe it's just that their sale prices have been so good up till recently that everyone is stocking up. I know, hurricane season...:)
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