Evidence of Iraq & Al Qaida links

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Jan 3, 2003
From the WSJ

Iraq and al Qaeda
There's more evidence of a link than the critics admit.

Monday, September 22, 2003 12:01 a.m. EDT

The Bush Administration was cautious, arguably too cautious, when making its case for the liberation of Iraq. Exhibit A is what it said about the links between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda. Investigators, interrogators and even journalists are turning up evidence of a stronger relationship than the limited ties originally sketched by President Bush and Colin Powell.

That wasn't the big story last week of course. The big news was that Mr. Bush said he has "no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved" in the attacks of September 11, 2001. Predictably, this is being spun as a concession from the Administration, which has been accused of exaggerating the al Qaeda link.

In truth, Mr. Bush has never gone further than what he reiterated last week: "There's no question Saddam Hussein had al Qaeda ties." U.S. intelligence officials, meanwhile, have confirmed that fact once again. Abdul Rahman Yasin, a suspect in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, was being harbored in Iraq; documents recently found in Tikrit indicate that Saddam provided Yasin with monthly payments and a home. According to federal authorities, the Ramzi Yousef-led terror cell that carried out the 1993 bombing received funding from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, alleged mastermind of the 2001 attack.

Far from exaggeration, what struck us about the case the President and Colin Powell took to the U.N. last fall and winter was its restraint. It focused mainly on a then-obscure terrorist named Abu Mussab al Zarqawi with no alleged 9/11 link, and a small affiliated terror group called Ansar al Islam operating in the Kurdish area of Northern Iraq. Left out entirely by Mr. Bush were the following stories:

• About a month after September 11, reports surfaced that lead hijacker Mohammed Atta had met in Prague with an Iraqi embassy official and intelligence agent named Ahmed al-Ani. Al-Ani was a later expelled from the Czech Republic, in connection with a plot to bomb Radio Free Europe/Radio Free Iraq. Despite repeated attempts to discredit the report of a meeting between the two, Czech officials at the cabinet level have stuck by the story. Al-Ani has been captured in Iraq, and the public deserves to know what he's telling U.S. officials about that meeting.

• Also in October 2001, two defectors alleged that a 707 fuselage at Salman Pak, south of Baghdad, was being used to train terrorists in the art of hijacking with simple weapons such as knives. Though no link to al Qaeda was alleged, some of the trainees were said to be non-Iraqi Arabs. The fuselage was clearly visible in satellite photos, and has since been found.

• Press reports, which had begun in 1998, resurfaced that former Iraqi intelligence chief and then-ambassador to Turkey Faruk Hijazi had met with bin Laden and associates on multiple occasions. Hijazi is in U.S. custody too, and has reportedly confirmed some of the alleged contacts.

That these stories never figured in the case for war was partly a function of caution on the part of the Administration. It was also partly a result of skepticism from the CIA, which had wrongly judged Saddam and Osama incapable of cooperation on the grounds that the former was secular, the latter fundamentalist.

Some CIA officials are still flogging this theory through leaks to the media. A June 9 article by James Risen in the New York Times claimed captured al Qaeda planner Abu Zubaydah had told CIA interrogators that al Qaeda had not "worked jointly" with Saddam. But what Mr. Risen's source, according to our own, neglected to mention was that the very next sentence of the Zubaydah debrief describes bin Laden's attitude toward Saddam as considering the enemy of his enemy to be his friend.

According to Insight magazine, the CIA's Paul Pillar, National Intelligence Officer for the Near East, used a lecture at Johns Hopkins University earlier this year to criticize the President's war on terror. He said that there was no evidence of Iraqi terror sponsorship since 1993, and no evidence of its involvement in the World Trade Center bombing that year. Curiously, we hear the agency has so far declined to share the file found in Iraq on Yasin (the 1993 New York bombing suspect) with other branches of the government.

One of the more interesting pieces of postwar evidence was uncovered in Baghdad by reporters for the Toronto Star and London's Sunday Telegraph. The February 19, 1998, memo from Iraqi intelligence, in which bin Laden's name was covered over with Liquid Paper, reported planned meetings with an al Qaeda representative visiting Baghdad. Days later al Qaeda issued a fatwa alleging U.S. crimes against Iraq. At about the same time, a U.S. government source tells Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard, Iraq paid bin Laden deputy Ayman Zawahiri $300,000.

As Saddam's very public financial support for Palestinian suicide bombing would suggest, the dictator had no problem working with other fundamentalist groups based on nothing more than their mutual hatred for the United States. Sources tell us the CIA has found 1993 memos from Saddam's government directing Iraqi intelligence to assist Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and to assist Afghan-based holy warriors against the U.S. peacekeeping mission in Somalia. These facts deserve more public disclosure.

Of course, none of this "proves" any Saddam-9/11 link, as Mr. Bush acknowledges. But neither can we be sure there wasn't one. Our point is that U.S. government and intelligence officials ought to be open to the evidence of any links between state sponsors and terrorists. But for many Administration critics, it seems, nothing less than smoking-gun proof that 9/11 was an Iraqi-al Qaeda joint operation will do.
This standard ignores the multiple ways in which states can aid and abet terror--harboring, training, funding, providing false travel documents. What the President's critics seem to want, instead, is to de-link Iraq from the war on terror, and to return to the pre-9/11 practice of targeting terror groups without going after their state sponsors. We think this is short-sighted and dangerous, and that Mr. Bush should begin to call them on it.
See The Big Picture

In that part of the world, you can't throw a fistfull of camel poop without hitting a terrorist. There are a lot of allegiances that may overlap depending on the circumstances and the objectives.

What we know to be true is that Bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda absolutely loathes Hussein. he said it many times publicly and he said why: Bin Laden did not consider Hussein to even be a true Muslim, rather a liar and a thug who used religion to get people to follow him and die for his actual objectives: expanding his kingdom and influence, and making him wealthy.

Hussein also made no secret he hated saudi Arabia (Bin Laden's home country) and planned to destroy it's leaders and take it over. He couched it in terms of liberating the Muslims from a corrupt, USA-loving government, but in fact he just wanted the wealth and power. Bottom line, that didn't make Bin Laden like him any better when he threatened to kill the golden goose that was actually funding Al Qaeda (the saudi Royal family).

Another story that has been supported by some is that way back when bin Laden was firing up Al Qaeda (when he was fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan) he wanted Iraq to chip in some money along with the saudi's and Hussein told him to pound sand.

This is not the scenario of two allies. Hussein has never supported Al Qaeda in any reasonable sense of that phrase. It is certainly possible he gave harbor to terrorists whose interest aligned with his, and it's possible those terrorists were aligned with Al Qaeda. Remember, Hussein specifically wanted to strike at the US because he believed they were out to kill him... although I can't understand where he got that idea (?). Anyway, he may have supported people who were working on those operations against the US. I don't think it is possible to stretch that into a "Iraq supported AL Qaeda" premise because it just never happened. Hussein hated Bin Laden and his people and probably held his nose and winced if he did use Al qaeda operatives to get what he wanted done.

If you just look hard enough, you can probably find "links" between most terrorist groups in that the same people moved around throughout the same areas. It's a small world over there and they all agree on one thing: their top priority is killing Americans. And unfortunately, people who really don't like each other will get together just long enough to do that. It's happening in Iraq right now. Some Al Qaeda connected groups are aligning with Saddam loyalists to drive out the US forces. They were enemies before and they will be again, but for now they are focused on killing our people.
In that part of the world, you can't throw a fistfull of camel poop without hitting a terrorist.

Fortunately, (lately) the aforementioned poop has been separated from said camel by the judicious application of HE.

Let the poop fall where it may.

We are talking about the middle east here with "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" philosophy.

As you can see from the editorial there is a lot of documentation that Al Qaida and Hussein were connected. I think it's more than a little likely that Hussein knew about 9 11 and helped execute it. However, it's not easy to get concrete evidence of that.

For some reason Al Qaida doesn't believe in sharing this information. Go figure.
I'd be more inclined to consider it if not for a couple of things:

1) The administration has been lying so much on these matters I doubt anything they now say.

2) Helping Bin Laden to become powerful would be screwing Hussein and he would not do that to himself. Hussein does not like fundamentalists (in fact he fears them) because they knew him to be a lying dictator who did not believe in any religion that did not hold him (Hussein) as the God. Hussein knoes how much threat such a popular uprising would be to him.

As I said, it's possible Hussein might have helped specific people to do specific missions he wanted to get done (ie, killing Americans or humiliating Bush) because that was personal. As for supporting Al Qaeda as a policy, it would be insane for him because he would be feeding the tiger who will grow up to kill him. Bin Laden's stated objective was to install fundamentalist governments in all Arab countries starting with his own (Saudi Arabia) and guess who is next about 50 miles north?

As I said, I believe it may be possible Hussein assissted in some Al Qaeda operations, although I would like to see some proof beyond a prisoner who was parroting what they wanted to hear to get leniency or a defector doing the same to get citizenship. I just don't believe Hussein would ever support a fundamentalist in general because that is equivalent to putting a gun to his own head.
I think it's more than a little likely that Hussein knew about 9 11 and helped execute it.
I doubt that. Bin laden has been very good at keeping his operations secret. He is actually a pretty good military planner.
Hunter I am a bit confused. You seem to conceed that Hussein helped Al Qaida in some operations. That is all I was saying.

If you look at the documentation there are a variety of sources. Some of them are defectors, cabinet level officials from other countries, etc.

I disagree that Pres. Bush lied in any part of this war.

Rock Jock I agree that UBL is a good military planner. However, this operation was very intricate. I wouldn't be surprised for a moment that Hussein helped in it. In fact, I would be surprised if he didn't.
Hunter I am a bit confused. You seem to conceed that Hussein helped Al Qaida in some operations. That is all I was saying.

I am not conceeding it. I am just saying I would not be shocked to find out that Hussein supported Al Qaeda operatives on a specific mission if that mission was an objective he wanted. As somebody pointed out, he isn't stupid and getting other people to do your dirty work is smart. I refuse to believe he would throw support behind a group whose overall aim was to destroy him.

I disagree that Pres. Bush lied in any part of this war.

OK, it's a free country. But, I hold that opinion for a variety of reasons. Top of the list is the testimony of Mr Wilson, the former deputy of the US embassy in Iraq. He was selected by the white house to go to Niger (the country in Africa where Hussein allegedly tried to get uranium) and get to the bottom of it and report back. He did just that, and his report to the white house was that there was no truth in it. The white house ignored that and went ahead with a speech saying that Iraq had tried to purchase the uranium backed up by the fact that the British had published a paper which cited the (now discredited) claim. The British report had simply repeated a previous myth that had been disproven, but it provided cover for the administration so that they had a scape goat if they were caught lying. They were caught, and they simply blamed the British (which is on the public record).

Wilson was so upset he went public and his article was featured in a number of papers and magazines. Here is the link, you can read it in his own words:


There is absolutely no question that he thinks the administration has been lying big time, and I am of the same opinion.

If you want to see the mother of all lies told by the current administration, read TIME magazine for September 15. It details how the Saudis have been funding Al Qaeda since 1992. So, basically, the President you believe has never lied has been telling you that invading Iraq was essential to win the war on terrorism while his lips were firmly attached to the butts of the leaders of the country who paid for the murders of over 3000 Americans.... and continue to pay for it (Saudi Arabia). The classified report on terrorism released last month had 28 pages in it detailing the same thing, which is why the Bush administration made sure it was censored out of the report. The cover story was that it would jeopardize our operatives in saudi Arabia. The truth of it is that if it was widely known, Bush would be facing impeachment charges right now for covering up the parties responsible for the murders of US citizens. Did you notice how fast the saudi ambassador showed up in Washington the day after the story leaked? That was a message to the Bush adminstration to "take care of it", and they did.

Loyalty is commendable, just be careful where you put it.
Remember the wall painting of an airliner crashing into the WTC which was discovered in Iraq? Wasn't that located inside one of these training camps? I was fairly interested to know when that was painted.

Still waiting to hear but not holding my breath. It was discounted so quickly that I doubt there was any investigation on the matter.
Hunter Hussein would have certainly approved of UBL and his gang attacking the US. Hussein was not too fond of the US.

I think it's rather clever on Hussein's part to provide the logistical support to Al Qaida for carrying out the missions and thereby distancing himself from the possible consequences.

As far as the Niger thing...The British have said that they had that information from different souces. Also the US has from numerous sources information that Hussein tried to acquire nuclear material from Africa. This was only source in many that wasn't able to be validated. That is very different than Pres. Bush lying.

There was also much documentation found that Hussein had an active nuclear development program.

IMO the only people who used this one source that wasn't able to be validated as some example of how Pres. Bush lied are ones who are desperately trying to find anything that makes Pres. Bush look like Clinton.

Pres. Bush never said that the Saudis never gave anything to terrorist organizations. In fact, they have been paying protection money. However, since the Saudis recently had a major terrorist incident caused by Al Qaida, UBL doesn't quite love them either, does he?
As far as the Niger thing...The British have said that they had that information from different souces.

Yeah, but those sources were discredited when it was investigated and found to be false. Intel comes in from a million directions all the time, some is found to be true and most is found to be BS. When you find out it's BS, you move on and don't use it any more.

The point is, you can't ask for an investigation (which Bush did) and then ignore the facts from your own people because it's not what you want to hear and then use the excuse: "That guy over there said it first." true, but that guy didn't have the facts that Bush did when he chose to ignore his own investigators.

That is very different than Pres. Bush lying.

Yeah. Another president still swears he wasn't lying when he said that he didn't have sexual relations with a woman because technically what they did was not "sexual relations".

I think people know a liar when they hear one, and choosing to ignore newer and better information so you can repeat old (disproven) information because it's what you want to hear is a lie in my book.... and saying "but they said it first" doesn't absolve you of the fact that you were repeating information your own investigation had just shown to be false. Use some common sense.
The Japanese saw the Germans as inferior non-humans, and vice versa. That didn't stop them from cooperating in WWII (including Germany providing access to extremely classified materials such as the Me 163, 262, and nuclear programs).

The Chinese and Vietnamese were at war for centuries, but guess who helped out the North Vietnamese? Yup, China.

China and Russia historically hate each other, but worked together against the US.

Many of the Arab nations loathe Palestinians, but are perfectly willing to use them to achieve their goals.

"I hate you" has NEVER been a real factor in politics. Anyone will work with anyone to achieve a particular goal. Saddam Insane and Usama Sub Human are not unique in that they despised each other but cooperated. They despise everyone equally. That's the nature of a sociopath.
Not to harp on you Bountyhunter, but where have you been?

This is all very old information and has been discussed ad nauseum.

We've discussed "Yellow cake Uranium" from "Niger," the reports used for Bush's speech, the information delivery protocol, the British Intelligence Commision, the British Intelligence agent (can't remember his name now since I've slept since then) that committed suicide due to a BBC (that bastion of right wing thought ;) report that imbellished a story casting guilt on the agent for leaking information, WMD, Salman Pak, Tuwaitha, Iraqi scientists, Al Queda connections, etc., etc.

Trust me on this one; do an archive search on WMD's on this forum and read those, it'll be quicker than us going back and finding all the links disproving exactly what you're using as proof of impropriety by this administration.

To give you just a taste of what you will find in those threads and in the links we'll use the Niger situation. Bush actually named three countries in Africa not just Niger and that information was gathered from British intel which still stands by their sources as legitimate and that the information was and still is viable (In other words it has not been disproven in the least by anyone. Only a few people in opposition to the whole thing claimed the information to be false and they based that claim on nothing) There was one line in the entire speech that was questioned where Niger was concerned and even that was done by taking what was said out of context. Saddam Hussien did buy Yellow Cake Uranium from Africa prior to the war. Want proof? Read about Tuwaitha and then ask yourself where the "Yellow cake" came from. Once you've done that you can find all the information documenting the transport of said "Yellow Cake" from Africa to Iraq.

Please forgive me as it has been a while since this subject has been discussed, and several threads shut down because the moderators decided it was too repititious a subject, but if you really really want to get into the subject we can give it another go. Doing so may not change your mind and that's okay but it will discredit all of your talking points without a doubt so be prepared.

Take care,

Rock Jock I agree that UBL is a good military planner. However, this operation was very intricate. I wouldn't be surprised for a moment that Hussein helped in it. In fact, I would be surprised if he didn't.
I have heard this quite a bit, especially in the days soon after 9/11, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out what was so danged difficult about the operation. The whole plan consisted of finding four planes that were making coast-to-coast flights in the morning on a business day, booking four or five individuals on each flight, bringing box cutter knives that were mostly let through security anyway, and syncronizing their watches so they all took control at the same time. You or I could have planned this in about one or two days with a good Internet connection and an online airline ticket purchase service. Certainly there was no training involved. The hardest part of the operation was getting 20-odd terrorists through our porous borders, but even that wasn't a problem as we were more than happy to accomodate tourists from terrorist countries and then drop the ball when their visas ran out. Of course, they had to adjust to American culture, which means they probably frequented any one of a number of Mosques with ties to radical American-hating Islamic fundamentalists. This would have firmly esconced them in liberal PC crowd. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that they had already secured an ACLU lawyer in case they were apprehended before or during the act. In truth, this whole operation was amazingly easy.
The hardest part of the operation was getting 20-odd terrorists through our porous borders,

And when you realize these same terrorists who were here on illegal or expired visas went to flight school here without raising suspicion, you see what unbelieveably lax level of security our country had in place. One of he hijackers even said something to the instructors like "I don't care about all that, I just need to learn to fly a plane straight and level very quickly" and nobody said a word.
Please forgive me as it has been a while since this subject has been discussed, and several threads shut down because the moderators decided it was too repititious a subject, but if you really really want to get into the subject we can give it another go. Doing so may not change your mind and that's okay but it will discredit all of your talking points without a doubt so be prepared.

OK, for the sake of argument, we can say that Bush somehow had good reason to believe that there were other countries where Iraq had attempted to buy uranium, yadda yadda yadda. personally, I don't care.

My main gripe with Bush is and has been since before March when the information first hit the web: I want to know why Bush is not going after the source of support that gives Al Qaeda it's life breath, which is the money funneled to it from the saudi Royal family.

All the rest about the WMD's and whatever is just bull crap to me. What we now now even in the mainstream press is that Saudi Arabia has funded Al Qaeda since 1992, so the money that paid for the 9/11 operation was theirs.

We also know that the Bush administration was well aware of this relationship- based on numerous documents, some of which have been posted or quoted by intel sources. What Bush personally knew is possibly at question, because it was clear he did not tolerate people who spoke against his positions with any patience. But, the fact he was not aware of active intelligence is his own fault.

The other thing we know (because it was leaked) was that a classified report on terrorism was delivered last month and 28 pages were deleted because they detailed the Saudi's responsibility for 9/11. EXACTLY who ordered it deleted may not be proven (I wonder?), but we do know the saudi ambassador ariived in Washington red-faced and furious the morning after the leak, and the information has vanished. FWIW, the TIME magazine article of sept 15 reveals the saudi support of Al Qaeda. It was "purely coincidental" that the Bush administration (in public statements by Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Bush himself over a three day period) reversed it's previous position and stated that there was no evidence Hussein had been involved in 9/11. It was aired on national news that day.

No single piece of date gives the whole story, but here is the picture which starts to take shape:

1) GWB intended to kill Hussein the day he walked into the oval office. It was telegraphed in speeches made from that day forward, and the "WMD" issue was used as the grease to slide the US into a war.

2) In the process, we have been ignoring genuine threats to the US. North Korea is a nuclear power with a lunatic at the helm. Saudi Arabia is arrogantly funding the people who are slaughtering our citizens, secure in the knowlede they have GWB on a short leash because he is afraid of losing their oil. That makes me furious. And it makes me even madder that the information is readily available and being suppressed.

3) Clearly the intel on Iraq's WMD's was either outrageously flawed, or "shaped" to fit the desired outcome (war). Clearly, there was no active nuke program and little, if any, activity in bios or chems. And if the last two were active: who cares? The only thing that was an actual threat to the peace was a nuclear device, and that claim was bogus from the outset. You think the Isrealis would not know of such activity? Remember who bombed Iraq's last "nuclear facility" into sand? Israel.
This is all very old information and has been discussed ad nauseum. We've discussed "Yellow cake Uranium" from "Niger," the reports used for Bush's speech, ........ To give you just a taste of what you will find in those threads and in the links we'll use the Niger situation. Bush actually named three countries in Africa not just Niger ...... Doing so may not change your mind and that's okay but it will discredit all of your talking points without a doubt so be prepared.

I guess you should have copied Joseph Wilson, chief of mission in baghdad, and the man who actually investigated the charges of Iraq buying uranium. My "talking points" are actually restatements of his own testimony. Read it for yourself.


Pay close attention to the last paragraph below which is a direct quote. You'll forgive me if I take his word over yours, being that he actually did the investigation, wrote the reports on the matter, and interacted with the white house on the whole affair. I would be a little suspicious of ad hoc stories now being generated to cover backsides.

"One way the administration stopped the debate was to oversell its intelligence. I know, because I was in the middle of the efforts to determine whether Iraq had attempted to purchase uranium "yellowcake" – a form of lightly processed ore – from Africa.

At the request of the administration I traveled to the West African nation of Niger in February 2002 to check out the allegation. I reported that such a sale was highly unlikely, but my conclusions – as well as the same conclusions from our ambassador on the scene and from a four-star Marine Corps general – were ignored by the White House.

Instead, the president relied upon an unsubstantiated reference in a British white paper to underpin his argument in the State of the Union address that Saddam was reconstituting his nuclear weapons programs. How many times did we hear the president, vice president and others speak of the looming threat of an Iraqi mushroom cloud?

Until several months ago, when it came out that the country was Niger, I assumed that the president had been referring to another African country. After I learned, belatedly to be sure, I came forward to insist that the administration correct the misstatements of fact. But the damage had already been done."
Actually Bountyhunter...

"I guess you should have copied Joseph Wilson, chief of mission in baghdad, and the man who actually investigated the charges of Iraq buying uranium. My "talking points" are actually restatements of his own testimony. Read it for yourself."

Anyone that has been involved in the earlier discussions of this subject can and just might tell you I'm very meticulous about my information. I did read Mr. Wilsons column which is why I responded in the first place.

"Pay close attention to the last paragraph below which is a direct quote. You'll forgive me if I take his word over yours, being that he actually did the investigation, wrote the reports on the matter, and interacted with the white house on the whole affair. I would be a little suspicious of ad hoc stories now being generated to cover backsides."

It wasn't my words you need take over anyone elses. It was the words of all other authorities in the matter. Like I said go do a search for the threads, read all the links attached and you'll know the opposition, what it's based on, who said it and why. The information we all were citing came long before Mr. Wilsons story so these weren't generated after the fact. Sorry to ruin your party. Search the archives for the threads and you can argue the point with al the information that's already been presented in the case and save us a lot of time and trouble.

As to the last paragraph, I have to ask again, where have you been? I'm scratching my head thinking surely this guy isn't that far behind the times. I do hope that you weren't critically ill or in a coma for the last year.

In any case you might try reading the article again and find out what Mr. Wilson is using to substantiate his assertions. Then research those. If you do this you will come up with exactly doodly and squat.

Take care,

Another Point of Reference

As to where and when it was common knowledge that the charges about Iraq trying to buy nuclear material were false. Here is a relevant quote from another article which cites the reporting of that fact in the Washington Post:

"In the days leading up to war, Bush and his administration continued salting their speeches with bogus allegations, some of which had been disproved by the U.N. and even U.S. intelligence agencies. On March 16, Vice President Dick Cheney trotted out the canard that Iraq had “reconstituted nuclear weapons,†though the International Atomic Energy Agency had debunked that key element of the U.S. case.

The IAEA discovered that aluminum tubes that Bush had argued were meant for centrifuges to produce enriched uranium would not serve that function. The IAEA also reported that a document about Iraqi attempts to purchase uranium in Niger was a forgery. It later turned out that CIA analysts also had doubted the authenticity of the Niger document, but it was still included in Bush’s State of the Union address. [Washington Post, March 18, 2003].

IAEA director general Mohamed ElBaradei said inspections of Iraq had found “no indication of resumed nuclear activity.†Yet Iraq’s alleged nuclear program remained a scary part of the case for war."

Note the date, March 18, 2003. That is when the facts about the forged documents became public all over the internet. hard to believe the Bush Administration was unaware of CIA findings.

Here is the address if you want to read the whole thing.

In any case you might try reading the article again and find out what Mr. Wilson is using to substantiate his assertions. Then research those. If you do this you will come up with exactly doodly and squat.

OK, I guess "doodly" is this:

"The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) discovered that aluminum tubes that Bush had argued were meant for centrifuges to produce enriched uranium would not serve that function. "

And "squat" would be:

"The IAEA also reported that a document about Iraqi attempts to purchase uranium in Niger was a forgery. It later turned out that CIA analysts also had doubted the authenticity of the Niger document, but it was still included in Bush’s State of the Union address. [Washington Post, March 18, 2003]."

Which means that this must be doodlysquat:

"IAEA director general Mohamed ElBaradei said inspections of Iraq had found “no indication of resumed nuclear activity.†Yet Iraq’s alleged nuclear program remained a scary part of the case for war."

That really is the problem when you are buying into somebody who is shoveling it: you have to ignore an awful lot of other evidence or label them as kooks. After all, who are these " International Atomic Energy Agency" people anyway and what would they know about buying uranium or what it takes to enrich it?

And who would believe some guy who served as the head of the US embassy in Iraq and personally investigated the Niger documents? What are you going to do, believe some first hand account of the guy who was actually there? No, after all, his "assertions" are based on "doodly", "squat", and "doodly squat".
Hello again Bountyhunter.

I'm 100% serious when I say take the time to go back in the archives and find the threads on WMD, before one puts ones foot even farther into ones mouth. Honestly I'm trying to help you out here. All of these subjects have been thoroughly discussed from tip to toe including the IAEA and the Aluminum tubes. You're not bringing anything new to the table, trust me.

I'll make this suggestion to you one last time and plead that you look over the information that has already been posted otherwise we'll have to start the WMD threads all over again and I can assure you that it won't go your way. You seem to be an intelligent person so use that intelligence and read the former threads and accompanying links (and there's a bunch of them) So if you decide to do the smart thing be sure to get comfortable for a while because you've got some serious reading to do.

The outcome of the former threads were typically our opposition calling us "poopy pants" and then discontinuing posting, the others faded into oblivion with no rebuttles other than more name calling from the opposition.

Anyway, think about it and please go read the WMD threads.

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