Ex-NYPD Commish Has South African Bodyguards -- Why ???

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Dec 25, 2002
I was reading an interesting story about Bernard Kerik, the ex-NYPD commish, who is now in Iraq trying to help with "law and order."

According to this article, it said Kerik has South African bodyguards:

"Kerik dashes about Baghdad with the South African bodyguards he inherited from retired Gen. Jay Garner, the first chief of Iraq's interim administration.

They travel in two armored GMC Suburbans, weaving through traffic as everyone - including Kerik and the driver - hold their guns at the ready. He goes everywhere with a bulletproof vest and a 9mm pistol."

My question: Why would Kerik, or any other American, have South African bodyguards as opposed to US military or US Federal Agent protection?

:uhoh: :what: :scrutiny:

He probably has meetings in which US military personnel might not be wanted or there might not BE US military personnel with the executive protection skills available. Probably not US LEOs because it's not the US. Why South African? Don't know, but there are several executive protection contracts with the US government with the destination being Iraq that are being filled right now. A friend of mine has applied for a position with one company.
the same reason S.Africans can do it in CA

With diplomatic immunity you can carry anywhere in the world you want
many foreign nationals are in the "executive protection" racket.
An Army Ranger guy I met (with Hon discharge) couldn't get
a executive protection gig and signed up to guard bases
out in Qater and Dubai (hated it).
He could not get CCW because he was living in Frisco,
but any Syrian,Sudanese,Saudi Arabian or red Chinese
with diplomatic plates can carry.

Not a military organization. Private agencies use contract security forces, ie. mercenaries. Not too many American mercenaries around.

Typically South Africans or Europeans.

BBC news just reported yesterday that a ex-Ghurka 'contractor' was killed in Basra in an ambush.
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