Expert Safe Advice Needed

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Jun 27, 2006
Central CA
In my quest for a great burglary and fire resistant safe for my gun collection I have come across a used Meilink TL-30(KC7233-F) at a very good price. Damn thing weighs 4700 lbs.-empty. That ain't going anywhere!

But the fire rating says,"Manufacturer Certified Class 350 1 hr"
My question is--Will this cement filled safe ruin my guns with moisture from the insulation? Also, since this is a manufaturer rating do you think a 1 hr rating is enough? Would a regular ol' RSC be a better choice?

Thanks for the advice
The fire resistance of those safes is not like the fire resistance on a typical insulated safe. Where a typical safe uses some sort of moist insulation, the composite safe you are looking at is heat resistant by the very nature of the "concrete" providing the burglary resistance.

Most composite burglar safes are fire resistant, but are not rated by UL due to their rules. It still would not hurt to use a dessicant inside of the safe.

I would use that safe over any other RSC on the market. If you let me know how much you're paying for it, I can tell you what kind of a deal you are getting. Don't forget to factor in the cost of moving and having it serviced by a safe tech (if it's a used unit).
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