Extremely troubling news

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I’ve been emailing and calling Cornyn’s office since this started. Let him know respectfully that his alignment with the folks who want to confiscate guns is very troubling and that he probably lost my future vote.

This is the same mistake the NRA has been making. Politicizing the gun issue in a way that alienates those who are not right-wingers. We have to broaden the pro-gun support beyond the right-wing base.[/QUOTE]

I agree in principle, but as one who tried to understand Liberals, all I’ll say is it will be a task for many.

Ever spent time on the Liberal Gun Club site? Not very open minded folks. They are gun owners but they are much more driven to vote social issues than 2A issues.

I’ve made some inroads with personal friends and such by educating them that gun control was ORIGINALLY Racist laws, implemented by Democrats in the Antebellum South to prevent former slaves from arming themselves.


I’ve also referred them to this recent study that showed how often guns are used by citizens to protect themselves:



I agree there are folks center/left center that may be open to discussion, but many have been told for too long that folks who like guns are racist homophobic bigots, so there is work to be done to get through far enough to change votes.
You are using the magic word "socialist." Others like to use the magic word "communist."

Unfortunately socialism and communism are not magic words and are quite real. The reason socialist/communist movements are so successful in spite of the fact that the system continually proves to be an economic and social disaster is because the propaganda they spread is extremely appealing to a wide variety of people ranging from idealists to power seeking autocrats to those who think they will somehow profit greatly from it. Except for those few that rise to positions of total and absolute power from the mayhem & ashes the rest (most of the people) will end up bitter & disappointed.

Why is gun control political? The answer is simple; There is a very powerful socialist/communist movement today in our country. Socialism/Communism is a form of dictatorship. Gun control is very important in all dictatorships because dictatorships know that at some point in time the people will be fed up and will want to rebel. The most effective way of minimizing the impact of a potential rebellion is to confiscate all weapons as soon as possible. End of story
Why is gun control political? The answer is simple; There is a very powerful socialist/communist movement today in our country.
I disagree. There are a few self-styled "Democratic Socialists" (in this country) but they are not powerful at all. They're on the fringe. What, maybe 4 congresspeople? Mainstream Democrats are not socialists, and neither are the antigunners. The whole antigun movement is made up, at the top, by plutocratic elitists such as Michael Bloomberg, and media and entertainment personalities, and at the bottom, by well-meaning but naive and apolitical soccer moms. None of these are what I would call "leftists." In fact the hard-core leftists that I know love their guns.
I disagree ... Mainstream Democrats are not socialists, and neither are the antigunners. The whole antigun movement is made up, at the top, by plutocratic elitists
I agree with AlexanderA.

Gun rights/2A is no longer a political party issue rather rights issue (Who would disagree with the right to self defense? ;)). It is really war between gun owners and supporters of the 2A vs anti-gun/anti-gun rights. And it's my opinion, as expressed by AlexanderA that there are those who want to take away guns from people and they are behind the anti-gun/anti-gun rights movement.

If you are not a supporter of gun rights/2A, then it doesn't matter which political party you belong to, you are anti-gun/anti-gun rights.
In a 50-50 Senate, Democrats need at least 10 Republicans to support this plan of the 20 for it to become an actual bill AND overcome a filibuster. With 10 Republicans already signed onto the broad outline, that threshold seems to be met, for now.

Those numbers could change as the final text of a bill is drafted and senators work through the details. On all kinds of issues, lawmakers often agree on broad frameworks but fail to find consensus on the text itself.

Perhaps that recess in August will be the death of all of this as the House and Senate take weeks off. Momentum lost, the push on this front may be over having been spent on the 20 plan that never becomes an actual bill with the 10 R votes needed. Having stolen the wind from other more radical bills it accomplishes the goal of leaving them adrift as well.
It seems that the anti-gunners have labeled this framework a 'floor' and it represents 'a small profit'.
This is what we're going to see in the Senate -
A nine-point bipartisan plan with 10 Republican Senators supporting sending federal money to support states that set up red flag laws to keep guns out of the hands of people deemed dangerous to the community, billions of dollars for children and family mental health services, fund school-based mental health services, fund new security measures at schools, and expand criminal background check requirements for gun buyers younger than 21 that would access juvenile records.

What does this all have to do with "keeping people safer"? How would any of this prevented even one mass/random public shooting?
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