FBI wants Internet records kept 2 years

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This will kick higher ed's butt. We currently keep stuff for 8 weeks before nuking it, and with recent budget cuts we will have issues doing that if the school grows.
This will kick higher ed's butt. We currently keep stuff for 8 weeks before nuking it, and with recent budget cuts we will have issues doing that if the school grows.
Thats what I was thinking, who is gonna pay for all that storage? Were I work (small ASP shop) we only keep inbound denials off of ONE router and that log grows very quickly indeed. Logging the activity of hundreds of thousands, even millions of users, is gonna be a nightmare.
Well, they learned from the best. Anyone see those photos of the SD and Gestapo files that were on the news a couple weeks ago?

The more it changes, the more it stays the same. AKA who won the war, anyway?
"The ISP will..."

Oh, that's funny.

And those costs would go where, exactly?

And what of those users who have a business class account, be it for business use or personal IP space such as myself? Where will the onus fall to retain those records? The ones who provide the bandwidth or the "business" using the bandwidth? How about those who use one or more T1 connections and beyond?

If this dren becomes law, I can see a rise is "pirate" internet provision, with resistant users setting up wireless access points across a neighborhood from several different providers and configuring their machines to jump connections on a routine basis. Sure, one MIGHT be able to track it via MAC, but those can be spoofed.
This would not be the first time the government has created an unfunded mandate.

Both Unfunded & Unfounded

This is only about the FBI wanting to track what people do online, nothing else, it's the same a wiretapping every phone in the US without a Warrent.
You can bet the farm that the spooks, either using front companies and/or "hackers" have been keeping all "internet records" from the getgo.

Convicted felon Poindexter's "Total Information Awareness Program" was nothing new, and it ain't going to go away. Regardless of what appears on the surface.

Do they just wish to shut the internet off for a while? Only gov't can use it?

I mean, soon enough this would be possible, just not with current storage tech. Not that I'd be keen on obeying that law anyway.
Maybe the NSA will generously offer to allow ISPs to store their data on one of the NSA's data farms.
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