Getting Started

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I got mine started...A CRKT that I'm not sure where it's at and a Gerber EZ out....I carry the Gerber every day...I'm not sure where I put that CRKT.
I really just started this year also - before that I bought really cheap stuff at Big5. Now I have a Strider fixed blade, 2 Emerson folders, a Buck/Strider folder, a Benchmade balisong, about 14 Case knives and several custom fixed blades that I trade other makers for. Collecting knives is alot of fun!
Nice variety there. Good choices all. (I think a Kukri would round that out nicely, beauty and the beast stuff, you know?)
Here's my humble collection started earlier this year. I basically have every firearm I want so I'm branching out into interesting knives.
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