Glad I moved to NJ!

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I don't live in NJ, though I have friends who do. I wish they could leave but can't. Still I can't help but see that NJ gun owners always a raw deal from their politicians. It seems that the NRA and other national organization seem to throw NJ gun owners under the bus. The NRA and other prominent organizations should be helping gun owners there. I don't see it happening, or maybe I am not hearing about it.
New Jersey has done so well with enacting it's firearms laws ,they can now disband Camden PD due to the lack of violent crime there.
I have a lot of relatives in NJ. It is weird to see, and hear their totally blissninny attitudes, and liberal views. Not all of them, but most are pretty hardcore anti-gun leftists/statists. They accept these stupid laws, ultra high taxes, over the top gun control, and other government intervention due to decades, perhaps generations of brainwashing by the left. It is sad to witness.
I have a lot of relatives in NJ. It is weird to see, and hear their totally blissninny attitudes, and liberal views. Not all of them, but most are pretty hardcore anti-gun leftists/statists. They accept these stupid laws, ultra high taxes, over the top gun control, and other government intervention due to decades, perhaps generations of brainwashing by the left. It is sad to witness.
I am starting to come to that conclusion that it is brain washing. Maybe people think by paying high taxes that they are getting something special that no other state has. In a sense that is true in a bizarre sense.

A house in NJ costs $300K to $500K. With that kind of money, in most states one can find a decent house for 1/2 to maybe 1/3 of what it is in NJ. People are paying taxes there in the range of $8,000 to $15,000 a year on a house (That is $1000 a month on taxes alone). That same house in most any other state would cost $1,500 to $3,000 a year in taxes if that.

NJ is a over regulated state, one comment on another forum; the owner wanted to put up a simple bird house in his backyard. Then found out he needed a permit for it.

Traffic is difficult at best and the numerous toll roads makes it impossible to traverse the state without spending some decent change in order to get around the state. People who have to use the toll road roads in NJ to get to work are spending $100+ a month in tolls just to get to work.

They have full auto inspection in NJ, they inspect everything except the cup holder. I heard of one story, some unlucky car owner had a slight hairline crack in the windshield. He could not pass inspection until he replaces the whole windshield.

Apartments in NJ, if you can afford them run beyond $1,000 a month. And if you want an apartment, they have this scam where you have to go pay a 'service' to 'find' you an apartment. Then there is the fees, first months rent, security, and the Realtor fee. So if you find an apartment for $1,000 and want to move in..cough up $3,000. Parking in some places is nearly non existent or if you are lucky to find a garage or a secure parking spot, cough up another $100 a month for that.

People say that they cannot leave because of their jobs. Sure they will make less money in another state, but their expenses will be 1/3 to 1/2 less than what they are in New Jersey. So one still comes out ahead.

If someone sold their $400,000 house in NJ and it was paid off. They could move to one of the free states, buy a house for $125,000, pay $1200 a year in taxes. They could find a job that paid less, and still come out way ahead.

I mentioned all of the above to illustrate the point, that it is easier to leave the state than to fight the system. Even people who are not gun enthusiasts in NJ left the state years ago and the reasons given were cost of living, taxes, crime and over crowding. Many left for Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Florida.

Some think the NRA and other national gun organizations have left New Jersey for other states as well. So my question is what is the NRA specifically doing to counter this new legislation? What is GOA (Gun Owners of America) doing to oppose this new legislation?

Why do we hear of growing grass roots pro gun organizations in Illinois but not NJ? There is even serious talk of having some kind of CCW law passed in Illinois. What about New Jersey?

Looks like Michigan will be getting rid of its permit and handgun registration. How is New Jersey coming along in that regard? What bills are in the NJ legislature to repeal the outdated, unwanted and unneeded 1966 Sills Firearms card permit system act and replace it with the national NICS system? None? I thought so...

Is it because, like following the lead of others who left the state, the National gun organizations have left the state as well? Is it much easier to quit and throw in the towel, than to stay and fight ...........a seemingly losing battle?

But yet it is strange that some of the most important battles in the Revolutionary war were fought on New Jersey soil. The state that figured so paramount in history, in the freedoms that we still have today. Is being abandoned faster than rats on a sinking ship....
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Should I have to move to be free from opression? Give up living where my family has for generations?

That is precisely how this country was started.

Abandoning a state isnt the answer. Voting and correcting its flaws in leadership and regulations are. Its not an easy task but I think its the right move.

In order to vote and correct flaws, you have to have the majority wanting to, which you don't. I hate to sound negative, but New York and California are lost causes I'm afraid.

Sometimes I forget how fortunate I have been in my life with regards to firearms ownership. I was born in Alabama, and have only lived there, Mississippi and Arkansas. All of those are very gun friendly.
Any high school rifle teams in New Jersey? How does that jibe with the law?
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