Going To The Lease This Coming Weekend!

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Jul 12, 2008
In the Dallas Ft Worth area
I am going to my deer lease this coming weekend out around Brady! I am going to top off my feeder, put a new pane of glass in, install a gun rack for my rifles and just make sure everything is A-OK for the start of deer season. I am also looking forward to getting in the stand and seeing what is coming around.

The owner sent us an email last night and said he saw 7 bucks at one of the protein feeders yesterday morning! The smallest one was an 8 pointer with one of them a 12! It might be the one I saw last year when I went to check the place out...this is my first year on the lease. Last year I saw an 11 point while sitting out by the owners stand. I asked him this year if he got it and he said he did not shoot one last year so it is still out there!!! I will attach a photo of it so you all can see it. The photo is not a good one because it was done with my Camcorder in which I just did a screenshot.

Hope you all enjoy!


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How different it is...protein feeders, panes of glass, gun racks, etc. vs tree stands, open woods, a foot of snow , and sub-zero temps....Come to think of it, I may be getting old enough to try it your way!!!! Good Luck!!

I wish we could do it your way but unfortunately that is impossible down here. Too many hunters and not enough land...way to dangerous here. I hunted on public land here where you have the opportunity to hunt that way and it was just too dangerous. One morning I am stting next to a tree where I had scounted out some good deer and then at first light the guns started going off all around me....it sounded like someone had a machine gun out there. I just tried to blend in with the tree until the firing stopped and then I got the heck out of there!

As far as feeders...I have thought a lot about this...:rolleyes: but what I have came to is simply this...all over the country people hunt over food plots, farmlands, food sources etc...I just have not been able to see the difference between them. I feed year around to provide food for the deer not just right before the season begins.

Hope you didn't misunderstand my post as criticism - it certainly was NOT. I just think its great that there is such a variety of ways to go about the sport, yet we all love it for the same reason. If I lived where I had to wear pink and hop on one foot to deer hunt, I would! There is no wrong or better way, its all deer hunting!
Got back today from the lease...met the guys I willl be hunting with for the first time. They are good guys...big relief. I did not see anything Saturday evening due to the cattle which were hanging around my feeder. Sunday morning there were 4 does out there but they were quickly run off by the cattle. Finally Sunday evening the cattle had moved on...I saw 5 crossing the pipeline as I was walking to my stand. Once there their were 3 deer already there. Then after they had moved on I climbed up and a little while later two more does showed up...for a total of 10 deer which were around my area.

Then last night we road around counting deer. I think on the trip around we counted a little over 200. Saw some very nice racks! Wish I had had my camera with me...But then again maybe not. It took us over 4 hours to go around and count all the deer so it was after 1 this morning before we were finished.

I put three shelves and two gun rests in my stand after I fixed my window. Then I filled my feeder and reset the timer.

I had a good time and am looking forward to the season starting! I have some photos of some of the does but I have not yet loaded them onto my laptop.
Well I'm Baaaack

Well I got back from the lease yesterday. While there I fixed the window in my stand, added three shelves, and put up a couple of gun rests. Then I filled my feeder and reset the time and timer so it would already be set for hunting season.

I arrived on Saturday evening and went directly to my stand. When I got there the only thing around my stand was a lot of cattle. :banghead: I did not see anything that evening. The next morning I got up headed on down to my stand and I saw 4 does but no sooner did they get to the feader then the cattle ran them off. :banghead: I was a little frustrated but the owner moves them into an area not hunted during season. Then Sunday evening the cattle had moved off and I saw 5 does crossing the pipeline moving away from my stand when I was walking to my stand...once I got to my stand I saw 5 more deer at my feeder. :D Only one was a buck and it was a young one but I figure when the rut starts the bucks will be where the does are...Also found out that just east of my stand is where the deer are bedding down.

In addition to the above I went down there this weekend to participate in counting the deer for the local Deer hunting organization. So off we went Sunday night at around 9pm and for the next 4 hours we counted deer. We counted over 200 perhaps 300 deer...I have never seen so many deer. Unfortunately with it being so dark, no moon, they were not moving as much as normal I was told so we did not get to identify what all of them were. We did see quite a few incredibly good bucks. We estimated one to be at least a 12 point main frame with a 22-24 inch spread...It was needless to say a very interesting evening.

I also got to meet the guys I will be hunting with on the lease for the first time and they are some good guys...a relief!
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