Got a Dull Mora :.(

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Mar 27, 2008
Central Indiana.
Never thought I'd see the day but I just got a couple of new Moras and one is as dull as a table knife. Must be a defect. The other one is sharp as a razor.

The dull one is my first "clipper" model. Oh well, I guess I will get some practice sharpening the scandinavian grind.

Never thought I'd see the day.
The traditional red handled one is our chicken beheading knife. A dozen chickens meet their fate without any sharpening.
Well...I didn't get it from Ragnar. I got it from a guy who knows a guy who sells these wholesale. Now I have several from him and all but this one are great...and several from Ragnar, all of which are great.

I am going to steel it and strop it and maybe it'll just be a burr. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Leather Work

Say, Q, if someone had a number of Mora blades with the usual cheap plastic scabbards, you know the type, Mora 2000, Mora #1, #2, stuff like that, what kind of arm twisting would be required for converting cheap plastic scabbards to the leather work I see above?

Just, you know, hypothetically speaking.


(Yes, I'm well aware that the effort involved is worth more than the knife itself cost. Just gotta ask, though.)

WOW! We hit the pic jackpot with this one. That is some excellent leather work, HoosierQ!
Dude, your leather work is good enough to do some side jobs for folks who'd appreciate your work. (For a price, of course.:D ) If you don't do it already, it's a good way to make some extra $$ if you like doing it.

Sorry you got a dull Mora. I imagine you'll have it up to speed in no time. When you start to sharpen it, I think you'll find the factory bevels to be somewhat wavy. I've polished the bevels on several of my Mora's and each had that problem. It's an aesthetic problem, really, because those knives still cut like lasers before my work on them.

Well the steel didn't do it so I got out my Norton Oil stone (red and black) and went at it. I layed the bevel flat and true to your comment, the grind marks did indicate a wavy bevel. I did 100 hard strokes on each side on the course (black) and got great, consistant burrs. Then I did another 100 with the fine (red) and got a finer burr. Then I started going back and forth with fewer and fewer strokes on each side before I changed. Then I went to a ceramic and very carefully held the bevel flat and did same.

I have a bench strop with the green compound on one side and plain leather on the other and knocked off the burr and polished the edge. It is like a razor now. The bevel itself is not as nicely polished as the edge (I looked at it under high magnification...I do that) because of the waves but the last millimeter leading up to the edge is like a mirror thanks to the strop.

So I am happy now.
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Mr Greebly and Mike

Thanks for you comments regarding the leatherwork. Here is another Mora 780 sheath. I kind of messed up and had to go with two rivets at the end. Made this for my stepson...JJS.




I am getting better. My stitching is still rather crude but I have my other techniques down to where I can do something.

The pouch style sheaths are pretty easy to make and I have a pattern for the 780 (Craftsman series) that repeats well. The Scandinavia style sheath for the #1 was not too hard really and the original plastic sheath is inside. I mold wet leather around it, clamp it and let it dry. The stiches are up the back.

The conventional sheath (inspired I guess by the Air Force Survival Knife) was pretty hard to do. The plastic part is obviously still in there and I clamp wet leather down over it on a flat surface and it molds around it. I made a few mistakes on this one and others would be quicker.

To be honest, if you saw these in your hands, you'd be able to tell I am an amateur pretty quick. I do make things for friends but I don't charge them...just take 'em to the leather store and make 'em buy shoulders.

I have not begun to really consider selling as I know not what it would entail.

I make holsters too. This one is my best...I think. But you will see on the reverse side how I kind of pooped out on the stitching and just tied a knot (my hands were so tired you wouldn't believe it).



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I would be proud to say I had made something that looks that good. Where do you find Moras for sale? Sure would like a sheath like yours for it also.

The two blades with no scales you have in your first picture look like the "cobblers" blades Ragnar used to sell.

I have one also, no scales yet either, and am trying to figure out what to use.

Have you since done anything with them?

The two blades with no scales you have in your first picture look like the "cobblers" blades Ragnar used to sell.

I have one also, no scales yet either, and am trying to figure out what to use.

Have you since done anything with them?

Yes they are Cobblers. I think HoosierQ just used my pic to show the knife he got that was dull.

One of them is still original with just a paracord wrap. The other is here:





EDIT: Found a pic of the cobbler wearing paracord.



I am afraid I have misled you. I don't yet have my own photo and that was one I had laying around in Photobucket. I do not own the unfinished knives in the photo. Sorry for the confusion.

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