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Gun Fired In Restaurant

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Hey, TheeBadOne!

Fill in your location, would ya? I'm not a psychic or a geography quiz bowl winner. Where is Fort Smith?
Tony "D" or Tony "B"?????

The Asian male was known to witnesses by the nickname “Tony D,†Ball said. Witnesses did not know the name of the white male.

Hmmmm "Tony B" replied above my response.... maybe he needs some questioning.... any relation to "Tony D"?
We vhave a lot of asian gangs around the bay are, most keep to themselves and only shoot each other or die of overdoses. I never see them running with anything but other asians.
In his book On shooting, Fitz advises to strike one's target with the cylinder of the guyn but not the barrel. That way you don't tweak the bbl/frame such that your bullets are off mark. However, ole Fitz was silent on pistol whipping people with a pistol. The idea of keeping one's finger off the trigger is also valid. Don't want any ND while using your cherished gun as a blunt instrument.

More seriously, don't these kids know how to make a fist? Are all those Jackie Chan or Jet Li movies going to waste on them? Better yet, these guys need to be strapped down and made to watch Sesame Street since they're about at that level of maturity.
Yeah fort Smith is on I40 on th eArk Ok border. It is where there were a lot of Vietnamese refugees and before that Japaneese refugees during WW2. Fort Chaffee was there,still is I suppose. Also for the uninformed its where Earl Swagger lived after getting out off the USMC and Bob Lee frequented the place in later novels. I'll be there on Mon night and tues. I'll look out and wear a hard hat.
More and more I am glad I live in the People's Republic of Fayettenam, and not Fort Hellhole.

The armed man is described as an Asian male 22 to 29 years old, about 5 feet 8 inches tall and 140 pounds with black hair. His companion is described as a white male 20 to 25 years old, about 6 feet 1 inch tall and 220 pounds, with brown hair.
Gee, that wont be hard to find. Only 40,000 White and Asian men in Fort Hellhole.:rolleyes:
NRA Safe Gun Handling

"Before using your semi-automatic pistol to smack someone upside the head, make sure the safety is "on" or that the chamber is empty.":rolleyes:
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