Gun Nuts!

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Apr 9, 2008
I have a friend that is extremely liberal and we have some interesting conversations about politics. Once he was referencing something said by another conservative he knew and at the end he said "you would like this guy, he is a gun nut like you".

I am sure he didn't mean it as insulting, but it seems to be a moniker that liberal anti gunners place on any person owning a fire arm, for any purpose.

I have noticed that the gun owners in this, and many other forums also refer to themselves as "Gun Nuts".

Just woindering how others see this term; personally, I prefer to use a term that doesn't support the anti gun community agenda. I am not willing to make an issue of it when a anti gun activist calls me a gun nut, they can kiss my ass if they don't like it, but it seems a little like poking ouseleves in the eye with a sharp stick when we use it.
Just call him a commie. If he has a problem with that term painting him with an extremist brush, then explain that you don't appreciate him using the term "gun nut" as it paints you with the same brush.
That tops the list of biased, prejudiced terms for "us" by the liberal media and populace.

Gun Nut
Redneck clinging to his guns
Mouth breathing gun freak
thet almost always bring up the comparason of having a physical problem to gun owners calling any gun a penis enlargement tool too.
You'll notice they always also refer to anything more than two guns as an Arsenal.
It's the libearls know nothing's who say those things so I disregaurd it all.
"Gun Nut" is a term that was originally pejorative, but has since been ironically co-opted by the shooting community.

I agree.
In college, I read an essay by Gloria Naylor titled 'The Meaning of a word' and it describes the same basic notion of taking ownership of a derogatory label and making it a badge of pride.
It's like the,"N" word now... It was originally meant as an insult, and now is used ubiquitously through out the hip hop community; and is only an insult dependant on the inflection, or connotation...

Doesn't make it right, it just is...

Still Too Many Choices!?
Kind of reminds me of "redneck". It's offensive to say unless you are one. Unfortunately, most people don't realize that. I'm not one for a PC society, but if you're going to call me a redneck, you'd better be one.

Like I said. Call him a commie. If he gets upset, then tell him that if he doesn't want you to make uninformed comments about his ideology, he shouldn't make uninformed comments about yours.
This guy uses it to my face and he is a friend, I am sure he doesn't mean it as insulting to me personally, but I am also sure he uses it in a derogatory manner when referring to the gun movement politically.

My guess is he figures if we call ourselves gun nuts why can't he.

P.S. I had to look up the meaning of pejorative. :)
Turnabout's fair play. Just keep calling him a "socialist whackjob".

This guy uses it to my face and he is a friend, I am sure he doesn't mean it as insulting to me personally, but I am also sure he uses it in a derogatory manner when referring to the gun movement politically.

Do you personally refer to yourself as a gun nut ever? If not, then start referring to people he would like as "socialist whackjobs" like him, I have a feeling he will understand soon enough.
Just tell him that you promise to never save his life with your gun because that would be nuts. He is just uneducated. All anti gun people think we are nuts until they get mugged or worse and then realize that if they had access to a gun it would of been a different story.
Dang! Something else I have to put on my list.

Things that offend me.
1. Cracker
2. Neanderthal
3. Paranoid
4. *^^(%^&
5. ()_&^&*(^
6. *%%(((
7. Gun Nut
and the list goes on and on

It is funny how often the following will come up...

"If anything bad ever happens, I am coming to your house"
There was an article along these lines in the most recent edition of the Blue Press. They made some very good points relating to this subject.

The key point is this: The media will latch onto the term and use it to galvanize public opinion against firearms owners. The have already done this to great effect with 'assualt weapons'.

The article suggests we embrace a less controversial self-title: Marksman. It also suggests we clarify to anyone who uses the term 'gun nut' when attacking the right to keep and bear arms that they are being bigoted and using hate language to inflame emotions rather than staying confined to logic and useful discourse.
"If anything bad ever happens, I am coming to your house"

Good point,

Isn't it ironic. When the anti's feel safe they want all guns gone but when SHTF they are coming to our house. I guess it is all about them :)
too me "Gun nut" means some one that is crazy and just happends to own guns.

I've known several of them over the years...
im cool with it. i embrace it.

i thinkt one of the reasons "Gun nut" is so widely accepted by the shooting community is that we tend to be proud people. were not going to back down just because some one calls us a name.

when your verbally insulted you have two options
get defensive. this puts you on your rear foot, and gives the insulter encouragement to keep going.
or you can take it, embrace it and make it yours.
in a liberal's mind, if you believe that citizens have a right to own firearms for self defense, you are nuts... therefore if you own a gun, you are necessarily a "gun nut"...
"If anything bad ever happens, I am coming to your house"
Being the kind of people that most of us are, in a SHTF situation we will most likely welcome our neighbors and provide them with arms. I would like to say that I wouldn't help them, to show my mental superiority, but Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek, and I would think that they might be humbled enough by their situation that my leaving them to the wolves is not necessary. Still, nobody's getting anything more than a Mosin Nagant or an old shotgun and a handful of ammo from me. They can envy my "evil black rifles" and "high capacity magazines", while they secure their futures with a borrowed relic.

"If anything bad ever happens, I am coming to your house" is not a plan.
My girlfriend was telling me that she didn't like that Democrats were called liberals and republicans were called conservatives, because she thought that the term liberal was a lot more positive sounding that conservative which sounds very "prude"ish and stubborn. I told her that I don't really call them liberals and conservatives anyway. I just call them commies and patriots. :neener:
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