help needed

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May 17, 2010
im trying to locate someone who knows of a man who makes the vietnam era tomahawks, his are hand forged and have a wooden handle made of hickory or oak i can't remember not painted black natural wood color. i think i seen his ad in a gun book a while back they are nicely made and cost a little over $125.00 usd. the tomahawk has a blade edge and a pick on the other side. A fellow vet and also vietnam veteran has a b-day soon and i know he has always wanted a nice reproduction of this hand held weapon.We both were grunts in the US Army together and have remained friends for over 30 yrs. im not looking for the mass made stuff like on the cold steel site and others like it for 34.99 i'm looking for this man who hand makes them all and takes pride in his work. so if you know who this is please, please send me the contact info or website. thank you in advance for your me make a vietnam vetern happy on his b-day :evil:
There are plenty of alternatives on the Vietnam 'Hawk besides the Chinese made items if you can't find the person you're looking for.

You've asked nearly the impossible by not providing even the name of the magazine/book. Perhaps some members will be able to suggest something that will fit the bill.
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