How Gun Laws Get Made

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Dec 26, 2002
Gun control bills are traditionally heard in the Judiciary Committee of either the Senate or the House. These committees wield a great deal of power and have the ability to kill legislation long before it ever makes it to a vote.

Here is an excellent explanation of the legislative process from introduction to signing into law:

Rep. Sensenbrenner (R-WI) is Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee for the 108th Congress. All of you who live in his Wisconsin district have the opportunity for your letters to have a much bigger impact than the normal letter to a representative.

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) is Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Crime, Homeland Security and Terrorism - this is the subcommittee of the Judiciary that decides whether the full committee even hears legislation. Again, if you live in his district, here is your chance to chip in.

Finally, Senator Orrin Hatch is the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Residents of Utah can encourage their senator to support the Second Amendment.
Yep. And I grew to truly despise one Senator Joseph Biden, one of the Judiciary Committee architects of the 1994 Assault Weapon Ban.
Remember to write your elected officials. Even if they are anti's they won't go as far if they think there is a large pro vote they might need. Never giveup! Never Surrender!

We shall win in the end because we are right!
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