How is the single action of the Dan Wesson revolvers?

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Jun 3, 2008
I'm interested in an older DW .357 but have never had the opportunity to see or try one out. This would be just for a range toy so i'm not so concerned about the double action so much as how the single action feels? It may seem like nitpicking but i notice a definite the difference between a 686 and a GP100 and i prefer the Smith even with its price premium. The ruger felt rough (like two separate clicks) and much heaver whereas the smith is lighter and more precise. How do the DW's compare in the single action department?

The few I have tried had good SA and goshawful DA.
They were once very popular for IHMSA Revolver where accuracy is required and shooting is all SA.
It really varies from gun to gun just like anything that was mass prouduced... but as a whole Dan Wesson Revolvers were well known for having good triggers OTB. It has a different lock work and is refered to as a "short stroke" double action. Its "different" but I liked it....

They were really popular with high power Silhouette shooters of the 1980's.

I've owned a few Wesson revolvers over the years and the single action pulls on mine were crisp and light.

As far a accuracy. Becaused of the tensioned barrel you'd be hard pressed to find a revolver that was close to as accurate as a Wesson. As long as its not worn out or broken, even a run of the mill Wesson would be a fine range gun.
Sounds like a nice shooting pistol then. I'm going to look around for a pistol pack... For the price of one gun you get 3-4 different configurations which sounds like a lot of fun.
My two DW's have great SA and DA triggers. Like any manufacture there are good ones and not so good ones. Nothing that can't be fixed with a little polishing and a stroke of a stone.
The pistol pak's are a great way to have several different revolvers with the same trigger feel. Unfortunately the pak's are going up in price. I was fortunate to find this 90% pak for under $500. I want to add the 12" and 15" barrels to it.

This DW 357 super mag is the most accurate revolver I have ever owned.
I have a DW744 that I used in silhouette competition in the '80s. The single action trigger responded well to simple tuning. The double action is heavy and stacks significantly. I never use the double action.
The double action is heavy and stacks significantly. I never use the double action.

All most all DW revolvers, out of the box, "pre-time" It is like a two stage trigger.The first part of the trigger pull rotates the cylinder to lock, then the last tiny bit lets the hammer fall, it allows very accurate DA shooting.
My has a wonderful SA. there is almost no take up and its very light. the DA on the other hand is over 15 lbs.

15 pounds? What's going on inside it? My worst one ever was like 12, and it was full of all kinds of unburned powder and gunk. My 715 runs about 9 or so DA, about 4 SA, and after cleaning out the junk in the other, not so nice one, it runs 11 and 6. I think it's just needing to be broken in, as it was rougher internally than any of the other 5 Model 15's I've owned over the last 30 years.
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