How Much Would You Pay?

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Jul 5, 2011
For legal representation to be able to exersise your 2nd amendment rights? If your state had a "shall issue" avenue to persue a permit through the local PD but the Chief's personal beliefs conflict with his requirement to issue? Lets say that recent high profile shootings were even cited by the Chief when status of the application was requested, and this was even before the recent shooting in CT... Are there other options than to hire a lawyer and take the PD to court? How much would you be willing to pay to fight for your rights in court?
If the chief's word is final I'd probably consider relocating. If it can be appealed I'd want to know the odds of winning on appeal. But you asked for a number, so $2k.
Contact the Attorney Generals office of your state and file a complaint against the chief for not adhering to the shall issue law.
mnrivrat said:
Contact the Attorney Generals office of your state and file a complaint against the chief for not adhering to the shall issue law.

I wouldn't spend a dime until I had followed this advice. The chief's "personal beliefs" are irrelevant if they are in conflict with state law. What state?
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