Huge Increase in Israeli Gun Permit Applications

Again and so soon??

Let's see, aside from the current conflict and regular ongoing minor terror incidents that happen in Israel, there was...
Israel-Palestine crisis in 2021 against Hamas
Operation Protective Edge in 2014 against Hamas
Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012 against Hamas
Operation Cast Lead in 2008-2009 against Hamas
Second Lebanon War in 2006 with Hezbollah
Second Intifada 2000-2005 against Hamas
First Intifada 1987-2003 against UNLU & Hamas

When have they had time to be lulled into a sense of safety?
It's been mostly rocket attacks and small group incursions. Nothing such as had taken place this time.
It's been mostly rocket attacks and small group incursions. Nothing such as had taken place this time.

Nothing such as this? No, but it hasn't been quiet or peaceful in Israel by any stretch. So there would be no reason to believe they have been lulled into a false sense of security due to a lack of attacks. If anything, the small terrorist events should be exactly what causes people to want to buy guns, which leads into what was going on earlier this year, LOL.

Back in January of this year, after a couple of recent attacks, this article came out talking about how they wanted to make the process easier, but they didn't.
This is like starting to carry a gun after being the victim of violent crime. That kind of thing is a relatively low probability event. It's unlikely to happen to most people in their life--less likely to happen more than once, in general. People need to start carrying before an incident, not after.

If you want to have a gun when you need it, you should start carrying immediately and you should carry any time you possibly can. That's your best chance for being armed when it matters. Waiting until after an incident occurs to start doesn't make sense.

Also, as far as I can tell, most people, even those with carry permits, do not carry most of the time. I'd like to revisit the 256K people who applied for permits in a couple of years and ask them some questions to find out how many of them are actually carrying, how many of them got any training beyond the minimum required to apply for a license, how often they are carrying, how often they are doing some kind of personal practicing with their firearm, etc.

At this time, the probability is relatively low, BUT, as they say, times are changing and problems like this are on the rise. What with teens toting AR pistols doing armed robberies/carjackings on mall parking lots in broad daylight, the need for immediate protection is increasing by leaps and bounds.
And, if things go crazy in the next 11-14 months, anything could happen.