I just became an NRA Life Member.. YOUR TURN (HUGE DISCOUNT!!!)

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This is where money needs to go to fight this battle. http://www.nraila.org

If you want to bolster NRA's membership numbers (as said, an 800-lb gorilla is even more impressive than a 600-lb gorilla) just use the 1 Year Associate Membership - $10.00 (no magazine) under Other Membership in the middle tab and add to the body of the NRA. Anyone that shoots (or just buys soda) can afford $10 to bulk up the numbers. Heck, for $10 for Associate and $15 for Junior I signed my entire family up for less than the price of a night out at the movies.

Remember that the growth in membership is as important as the the total numbers of members. This growth is particularly useful to point out to fence sitters and slightly anti politicians look at reelection.
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The NRA, like other organizations (e.g., the NAACP) has divided itself into an educational branch and a lobbying branch. That is for tax purposes both for the organization and the donor and so only the lobbying part, the ILA, has to register as a lobby and report its fund raising and expenses.

So contribute to the ILA and help elect friendly legislators. But in the long run, it is the votes and the letters of four million NRA members that will really make a difference.

I saw a blog the other day that demanded the arrest of all NRA members, saying that a couple of hundred people can't be "allowed to stand in the way of a total ban on guns". That person may have been an idiot, but believe me Congressmen and Senators know all about those four million voters and their families and friends.

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