I propose replacing the term "gun nut" with "gun geek" or "gun nerd". Thoughts?

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In my head it went like this: "Gun Nut", "Nut Job", "Gun Job" "Gun Job" (the other pronunciation of Job - the deity), "Gun God", "Gun Guru" . . . and then I got back to work. It is what you think it is - often the derrogation is just somebody else's problem.
I got wind of THR while looking for Front Sight Alaska info. Great stuff here. Even the not-so-complimentary posts about Front Sight in general. I'm a member, and they have served me well (though I'm not so flush that Dr. Piazza has silver-tongued me out of six figures). While the good Doctor is blessed with the gift of schmooze, the actual training and facilities are all they are claimed to be in my experience so far (I've taken 6 classes to date). More to The High Road point, the responsibility approach they teach is solid - from both the ethical and legal perspective. Look forward to learning more in these fora. (yes, I had to look up the plural of 'Forum')
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