It's time to start writing your Senator

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Dec 4, 2003
In light of all the media coverage over the recent immigration issues, I have forwarded the following letter to my Senators:

I recommend you let your views be heard as well.

Dear Senator,

I just thought that I would drop a line and ask that you support HR4473 to stem the tide of illegal immigrants within the United States. This is not merely a Homeland Security issue, though it is that, this is also an issue of deterring general crime. How can we as a society expect that someone not respecting our laws on immigration will respect any other laws we have? If we do not know who is coming into our nation, how do we know if we are allowing the settling of murderers and rapists from their native country into the United States?

The last Dallas Police Officer killed in the line of duty was killed by an illegal immigrant who sat in jail for 2 weeks, yet was never deported or interviewed by INS. The White Rock Lake Rapist (who raped 5 Dallas women and 1 Kansas woman) was found to be an illegal immigrant and of course now we have several hundred members of MS13, the El Salvadorian gang in our neighborhoods. How many more people have to be victimized before we do something about our porous border situation?

Secondly there is the issue of depressing wages and the artificial marketplace. A home builder who uses illegal immigrants to build a house will pay below minimum wage or circumvent the Workman’s Compensation guidelines, thus cutting his cost and gain the advantage of pricing his/her houses below that of his/her competitors that follow the law and pay wages according to the law. This not only hurts the honest employer, it hurts used home sellers since their homes will sell price for more that what it would cost to simply have a house built, depressing prices of homes. This is just one example.

Lastly there is the issue of discrimination. Twenty years from now the children of these illegal immigrants will not be thanking us for the opportunity to come to America, instead there will be class action lawsuits and accusations of discrimination stating that the only jobs we “allowed” an illegal to take were dangerous or simply jobs nobody else wanted, in a type of institutionalized racism. Nobody wins when discrimination is taking place and this is discrimination.

Please secure our borders.
Support HR4473
I really dont like the exemptions for good faith, subcontractors or for smaller businesses. The law is full of loopholes.

The worst is that employers arent liable for the actions of contractors if they "didnt know" the contractors were hiring illegals. So basically the fines will be levied against small contractors that are doing work for wal-mart, but wal-mart will deny knowing about it so not only will they not pay the fine, but the fine to the contractor will be reduced because the contractor is a "small business."

You forgot to mention that in your letter alduro.

edit: ok it is just a report on the effects of a national ID card
Damn....I had a typo? Out of all that crap I typo the most important part. :cuss: :banghead: :cuss: :banghead:

I don't want to re-send the letter, it'll look like I'm packing their mailbox. I hope they know what I meant.:banghead: :banghead:
Also, it's El Salvadoran not El Salvadorian.

We are just starting to see MS13 here in Nashville, a few weeks ago there was a night of violence where innocent people were killed at random by people who were believed to be trying to prove merit to join MS13.
The next week I signed up for a carry class.
Nashville's violent crime went up 100% in the past 12 months, when I came here 4 years ago there were hardly any murders. Now we have far too many.
i just was watching the news and saw that hundreds of thousands of people in chicago, a significant portion of which can be presumed to have been illegal aliens, marched in protest to this pending legislation.

i ask only one question...why did chicago police and federal agents not detain as many of these protesters as humanly possible and demand that they verify citizenship or legal immigrant status? they had probable cause to detain and question them.

as a law-abiding citizen and veteran of the armed forces, i have to go through a ridiculously tedious process to obtain permission to carry a weapon to defend myself, and if i am found to be in possession of said weapon without the "appropriate" papers, i can be convicted of a felony. yet, tens of thousands of illegal aliens break our law by marching down the street in a major US city, and go "home" unmolested to watch their exploits sympathised with on the nightly news. i feel betrayed...period.
Yeah......God knows the best way to get your point across is to make typos and cite the wrong bill. my name goes in the "uneducated redneck nutball bin".....AKA, the trash.

Honestly, I don't believe anyone really reads these anyway. Instead they have a little tally box that says "Pro" or "against" on upcomming legislation and they check one or the other. Who knows, maybe the confusion will get someone to actually READ my letter, right before they laugh at it and toss it.
Wrote to my Senators and Congressmen and also GW..
I've tried, now we will see what happens.

My senator's name is Menendez. He doesn't speak English.

Can someone translate the above into Spanish? Gracias!
Every time we use the leftist extremist term "illegal immigrant," we lend legitimacy to the illegal aliens.

Someone needs to sell a Euphamism Checker plugin for Microsoft catch those occasional slips of kindler, gentler words that cover up for realities. :D
Well, typos or not, we're making noise, we're doing our best and using the first two "Vs". If the first two don't work, the street will be where the next "V" will be employed.
I'm not one taken to drama, but the 500,000 that just marched in LA are part of an army.
We're being invaded.
If the pols don't stop it, the American people will.
You don't mess with a dog in his own back yard.
No Jammer Six, that wasn't a "slip".

If you are an illegal immigrant or part of an immigrant right's group, then yes you do get stronger.
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